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CROSSOVER: CReating new concepts On SuStainability training in cOoperation VEt and labouR market.
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CROSSOVER: CReating new concepts On SuStainability training in cOoperation VEt and labouR market. Context/background of project/Relevancy Sustainability affects more and more all levels of real life and work. Energy savings and taking care of the limited natural resources, energy reducing and recycling materials are serious topics for politicians, researchers, employers, and (future) workers. For developing innovation (new ideas within sustainability) and being able to implement them, the student’s specific competences, which they obtain within this project, are needed. Knowledge providers (Universities, Higher education, VET) have to cope with these challenges: developing useful expertise and translate it in realistic training concepts together with the partners on the labour market, to be able to provide future workers (higher Education, Initial VET) with the appropriate competences (objectives). In addition, we must do it in a close to praxis way to make the transfer for the students visible and clear (methodology). There is no doubt that sustainability is the essential challenge for our world. Especially European countries have to show responsibility and to take over the role as a wide-awake paragon. Despite of these circumstances the curriculums in our European countries have not given an appropriate response to the topic sustainability. The topic is merely partly anchored in single subjects and has not been developed in a wider context. With this project, we build up an entire concept implementing our CROSSOVER principle. Potential long-term benefits & dissemination platform Every part of our European community has to be involved in order to find long-term solutions that work. Besides students & teachers, we have integrated companies, non-profit organizations and councils to our project. The basic idea of CROSSOVER is to adopt the system of constructivist epistemology. This means that every perspective will be welcome to ensure an entire solution. Our new concept includes a curriculum that enables other colleges to integrate the topic sustainability. A drop box full of 25-student-tested easy-to-implement lessons on sustainability. These lesson-suggestions will be shared on Facebook, on a blog, and printed in a paper brochure (5000 pcs), which will be sent out to relevant institutions in each country. As the development and process is accompanied by different institutions (both business colleges and technical schools) it will be accepted broadly. This project is a process that will be carried on after the project itself, on Facebook, where other schools/teachers/institutions can comment on the existing materials, but also add further suggestions. Tailor made inspiration courses will also be offered to interested teachers/schools. Number and profile of participants All in all 158 participants will take part in this entire project directly. 108 of these participants will be students from both vocational secondary schools (VET) and secondary technical schools. 10-20 different teachers (the 5 project contact persons + 1 extra teacher from each school) will be involved. In addition to these mobilities, business partners will be involved and participate as sparring partners, reflection bodies and co-judges together with the students in the transnational meetings and throughout the whole project. All the students participating in the project will be between 16-25 years on average. The students will be selected carefully through personal interviews and must have a certain interest in the topics and the tasks in order to ensure the best possible outcomes of training courses & student evaluations. To ensure success with the international transactions certain English competences are requested as this will be the cooperation language. Description of activities In this project creating awareness on student level is the first step. An orientation will make the students aware of how sustainability affects their own branch and therefore their own future professional life (new materials, work processes). Secondly, in the project, students/staff will develop new training concepts for Initial VET. During the whole process in each country a regional network of employers and/or knowledge institutes (official silent partners), having a lot of expertise and prestige on sustainability, will participate as a reflection group during the process. On European level, two international meetings will be organized on which the (midterm and final) results will be presented, discussed in workshops and – after reflection - finalized in (midterm and final) reports as input for the next phase. Students will take the leading role in presentations and discussions. Leaving certificates Each school will include the received CROSSOVER courses in the student's leaving papers. The student created reflections and assignments will be added to the individual student portfolios as well.
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