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Crossing Way-Cruce de caminos
Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

" Crossing way " " Crossing way " is the title of the present project of exchange. This title is born of two slopes that they have to see, on the one hand with the Way of santiago and therefore with the historical cultural context of the region to visit (Estella-Lizarra in this case) and on the other hand with the meeting of groups of young women from different European countries in the same place for several days. In this place of meeting, crossing way, they will share his experiences, worries and initiatives in the frame of the multiculturalidad, the environment and the juvenile participation, inside Europa's context. The principal aim is of creating a common space where young Europeans interact and believe relational healthy bows. For it, a group of 7 young women of Estella-Lizarra together with the leaders of the Area of Youth have prepared an exchange full of related activities of a direct way with the culture, the history and the natural way. The raised methodology has to see with the not formal education. There is looked across this exchange the promotion of the dialog and the multicultural meetings between original young persons of different environments and cultures, and for consequence the awareness and the tolerance towards other cultures and forms of life. Place: Estella-Lizarra (Navarra) Spain Date: 26/07/2014 to 01/08/2014 Ages: 18 to 21 Countries participants: Belgium, Germany and Spain.

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