Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project was carried out at a moment in which it is established that our main objective is that our teaching and non teaching staff are given the opportunity to learn about other educational and employment realities and their personal, academic and professional enrichment. Mobility for staff training: We have developed 3 mobilities of staff for training in two schools and a private company. The profile of candidates for this mobility consisted of someone whose English skills allowed them to make their stay and their training successfully. We also looked for people that established bonds not only with the host institutions but also with some companies and educational institutions in the area, where they could carry out other Erasmus + projects in the future. Here are the activities in full detail : 1. Judith Rosales, an English teacher, developed a Job-shadowing stay in the English department of the Gentoff school in Denmark. 2. Guadalupe Espinar, Installation and Maintenance professor, made a Job-shadowing activity in the counterpart department in a vocational school in Cakovec in Croatia. 3. Rosa Maria Gomez, Administrative Assistant, conducted Job-shadowing activities in a private company of Dublin in Ireland. In the short term, the results we expect from this type of mobility are the creation of partnerships with other institutions in the European framework. We also seeked the linguistic improvement of the staff in order to contribute in future international projects. In the long term, it is expected continuity in the participation of these projects given that one of the pillars for any teaching and non teaching proffesional must be continuous training that includes innovation in the workplace.

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