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Crossborder Estonian-Russian cultural tourism development (CulTourism)

The overall objectives of this project areto balance the socio?economic andregional development conditions, and toeliminate communication and developmenthindrances caused by border throughcooperation of border regions andcommunities in Ida?Viru County (EE) andLeningrad Region, including St. PetersburgCity (RU).The project supports stronger involvementof local culture activists into regionaland cross?border tourism developmentand presentation of Ida?Viru Countyand Leningrad Region/St. Petersburg asintegrated cultural tourism destination.The expected main outputs of the projectare inventory of local cultural events, supplystudy and demand study report, databaseof all events in the regions, cultural tourismproduct development training sessions,official event calendars and cross?bordertourism development plan.
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  • 49.5%   71 250,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Estonia - Latvia - Russia (EE-LV-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants