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Cross-border reservoir research towards sustainable use of geothermal energy (HUROTHERM)
Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: Aug 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The primary objective of this research project is to lay the basis for the construction and long-term sustainability of medium-enthalpy heat production and energy production systems in the Hungarian-Romanian border region (Oradea-Biharkeresztes) with excellent geothermal features, by exploring the basic hydrogeological data, and elaborating a complex hydrodynamic model. A further objective is the designation of potential investment locations according to numerical data, and the design of a monitoring system, which will enable the monitoring and control of the region’s intensifying thermal water production.The installation and long-term environmental sustainability of geothermal systems is realizable only, if the common thermal water reservoir is analyzed through the activities of the current research plan, and actual reliable information is available.The main activity is the implementation of professional activities/work packages, which contains the following:1. Delimitation and characterization of common, cross-border geothermal reservoirs; Examination of current geothermal facilities; Build-up of an up-to-date database. 2. Building of a joint Hungarian-Romanian numeric hydrodynamic and heat transfer model covering the examined area, calibrated with the data of operating facilities. 3. Selection of geothermal utilization methods and technologies with the best cost/social benefit ratio with the help of numerical models. 4. Design of a common Hungarian-Romanian geothermal monitoring system for the control of hydrodynamic effects due to the expanding geothermal energy utilization.The direct beneficiaries of the cross-border project are those concerned in geothermal energy, the researchers and students learning about the project results, and using them during their studies and work. Among the project results: 1 geothermal database, 1 joint project publication.
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  • 85%   288 150,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants