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Cross-border Network for Innovative Development of Economies and Knowledge Transfer (CoNfIDEKT)
Start date: Jul 31, 2010, End date: Nov 29, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed action aims at strengthening business and innovation support infrastructure and cross-border co-operation through the establishment of two Informative Centers on Innovation in Vojvodina and a cross-border innovation support network which will include existing Hungarian Consortium. The weaknesses of the national innovation system of Serbia relate to the lack of innovation support for businesses and technology transfer infrastructure. There is relatively high overall proportion of innovating enterprises in Serbia, but a very low collaboration between the academia and industry, and extremely low level of business R&D and patenting activities. Only a small proportion of enterprises operate in international markets. In Hungary supports meant for innovation are not goal-oriented enough because of the lack of communication between the user enterprises and the innovators. The users simply don’t have and don’t get enough information about these possibilities. Innovation transfer trainings would solve this problem and allow users to effectively communicate with the innovators about what they need to achieve their goals. In Hungary, a fund was established for this purpose, but users still don’t spend their grants efficiently enough. This problem can be solved by the establishment of a common strategy.The network will provide a range of innovation support services: information, training and consulting, technology transfer, partner search, raise awareness on innovation.The network will also participate in the development of a Regional Innovation Strategy with the Government of Vojvodina, academic institutions and other stakeholdersin the region. In the future, the Network will be linked with Enterprise Europe Network, as a bottom up initiative which will join that program. The project will enhance the competitiveness of enterprises through innovation, take them from the stage of acquisition of new machinery, equipment and skills to the next one, producing own innovative products and processes which are in demand. The Network, counting on the experience of Biopolis, Szeged will develop and promote innovation activities in the region, train, consult and stimulate entrepreneurs, managers and employees in business community, and collaborate with the Serbian and Hungarian R&D organizations, universities and support organizations in the design and implementation of collaborative innovation. The overall objectives: increase competitiveness in Vojvodina through innovation, improve productivity, efficiency and quality standards of businesses. Specific objectives: improve business and innovation support infrastructure by the establishment of cross-border Innovation Support Network. Expected outputs: establishment of the Network, Informative Centers, development of concept, trainings, consulting and promotion. This will multiply effects of this project and create added value of wider promotion of innovative activities in the region. Achievements: The innovation network and info centers for innovative development were established. Two workshops were organized (one in Szeged and one in Subotica) and twoconferences (one in Szeged and one in Subotica). Handbooks were prepared and trainings are held. Web site and short movie about the project are done. Short movie was shown on closing conferences in Szeged and Subotica.

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  • 85%   310 407,25
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Serbia IPA CBC (HU-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants