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Cross-border cooperation for developing Business Center for agro-food products in Oradea and Entrepreneurial Development Center in Debrecen (CBC B.E-CENTERS)
Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The two partners, Municipality of Oradea and Chamber of Commerce and Industry Hajdú-Bihar aim to create, in the cross-border area, an adequate infrastructure for agro-food products, and to enhance the business relations in the field trough the development of entrepreneurial education of the producers.The goal of the project is to enhance the cross-border commerce of agricultural and food products and to develop business relations in the field between local producers from Bihor and Hajdú-Bihar counties. Within the project, an adequate infrastructure is developed by building a Business Centre for small producers in Oradea, having the public market from Debrecen as example, and rehabilitating the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hajdú-Bihar.The infrastructure created aims to train producers from Euro region in entrepreneurial development and to offer appropriate business incubator services for Romanian and Hungarian agro-food producers. In the framework of project, a cluster of innovative agro-food products will be established in Oradea. The direct beneficiaries of this project are primarily traders and agro-food producers in Bihor and Hajdú- Bihar and potential traders and producers of such products: - A total of 736 producers and traders of Bihor and Hajdú-Bihar, who will operates in the Business Centre for agro-food products in Oradea, as well as potential producers and traders of agro-food products from Euro region - A total of 10 producers and traders of Bihor and Hajdú-Bihar who will benefit from the services offered by the Business Incubator for agro-food producers in Debrecen - 120 persons (traders, producers, future producers and traders) in Bihor and Hajdú- Bihor entrepreneurial development that will benefit through the six trainings organized for agro-food Incubator Producers in Debrecen - 30 people from Bihar and Hajdú- Bihar who will benefit from practice through the two workshops to be held in Oradea and DebrecenThe indirect beneficiaries of the project are comprises of the following groups: - Agro-food products consumers in Bihar and Hajdú- Bihar and potential consumers who will benefit from better conditions and services when they buy Agro-food products - Local community from Bihor and Hajdú- Bihar will get a higher quality of life and economic development through Business Centre for Agro-food products and Innovative food Cluster in Oradea and Business Incubator for Agro-food producers from Debrecen - Business environment from Bihor and Hajdú- Bihar will benefit from a high level in terms of entrepreneurial development and Business infrastructure Among the project results are the following: 1 newly built business infrastructure; 12.178,66 square meters of newly constructed building; 1 business infrastructure reconstructed; 150 producers and traders who will participate in trainings an workshops.

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  • 66.1%   3 770 186,57
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Romania (HU-RO)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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1 Partners Participants