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Cross-Border Citizen Scientists
Start date: Jan 31, 2012, End date: Apr 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Aim of the project is to contribute to active cross-border citizenship and people-to-people links in the cross-border area of South-East Finland and North-West Russia. Science education of youth in the Finnish-Russian border area and, thus, engagement of youth in cross-border cooperation and joint problem-solving. Achievements: The Cross-Border Citizen Scientists project provided science education to a group of twelve Finnish and Russian schoolchildren. The project lasted two-and-a-half years and included a preparation and kick-off period, four study periods with different themes (environment, history, business and mental borders) and a closing period. The overall objective of the project was to promote active cross-border citizenship and people-to-people links in the cross-border area of Southeast Finland and Northwest Russia. It was successfully completed with a total of 960 student contacts and a group of teachers and researchers. A concrete output of the project was the publication of the Cross-Border Citizen Project Manual which is available at along with lecture and seminar materials. Results of the project will be further exploited in the Borders or No Borders (RajatOn, funded by the Finnish Ministry of Culture and Education) project implemented by the University of Turku and Lappeenranta University of Technology during 2014-2015.
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  • 80%   205 006,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South-East Finland-Russia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants