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Croatian Hungarian Renewable energy network (CHREN)
Start date: Jan 31, 2013, End date: Jan 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is a follow-up of two other projects financed through the First Call (CHEE) and the Second Call (FEDREE) of the Hungary-Croatia IPA CBC Programme. The main goal is the establishment of a renewable energy sources (RES), R&D and educational network in the cross-border region, including capacity building of project partners and interested stakeholders in RES usage and development. The aim is to contribute by educating and awareness raising among the general public on the subject of RES development, its importance and benefits, finally contributing to the overall economic development of the region. Achievements: The main idea behind this co-operation was to remove the borders not only from the map, but also from people’s minds. This can be achieved by bringing closer the youngest members of the communities through joint participation in various activities. With this in mind, the project supported the organisation of a series of joint events for the school children of the two border towns, bringing them together through music, dance, art, sports and common cultural heritage, while their teachers were shown the ways to apply these activities in classrooms.
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  • 83.5%   311 810,80
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Croatia (HU-HR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants