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Cresterea nivelului integrarii socio-profesionale in domeniile electronica-automatizari si mecanic, prin dobandirea de competente si abilitati practice la nivel european
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The training will be done in a single stream of 3 weeks, between 24.03.-12.05.2017, with 18 students in the Technological branch, the technical profile and the fields of Mechanics, Electronics and automation. The students will attend 90 hours of practical training in the modules: Health and safety and Electronic circuits, which are part of the school curriculum for the Technological branch, the technical profile and the fields of Mechanics and Electronics - automation. The training will be conducted according to the competency unit regarding Health and safety , Electronic circuits, covering our curriculum content for 90 hours. Before achieving the mobility, the students will go through the theoretical training (according to the curriculum).Acquiring and developing practical skills (essential for the professional training of the participants), is the main objective which the project will achieve through collaboration with the partner organization. The knowledge, experiences and skills acquired during the project will contribute to the formation of new professionals with a new, European vision. The students will understand the necessity of a qualitative professional training that it is able to provide the graduates the integration into the labor market, directly in the real production process.We chose as the receiving organization an educational center in Greece, which has partner companies specialized in the fields of mechanics and electronics and automation, because our students, who have good theoretical knowledge, lack practical experience. The project benefits will be evident not only in the school by changing the mentality of the students, but also in the local community by training a generation with a new vision of education, economy and everyday life; a generation which has realized the importance and understanding of new cultures and countries, thus developing a sense of belonging to the European values and to the community through active involvement.The expected results on students’ professional development: improving communication skills and teamwork, competitiveness of young people on the European labour market, acquirement of some good practice examples for the development of the entrepreneurship spirit, direct knowledge of the social and cultural life of the Greek people and knowledge of common values and acceptance of diversity by providing equal opportunities through unitary education of the youth in the European Union.Generations today consider the use of computers a necessity and in the technical field their role has proved to be essential, given the dynamics of technological development worldwide. Computers are important media storage of technical data on all mechanical components, electrical and electronical products and allow, through specialized software, the quick and easy selection, (depending on the name and characteristics) of any elements necessary to the thechnological processes, data processing, their interpretation or remote transmission. Our students are eager to permanently use new multimedia products and modern means of communication implemented in technical equipment of latest generation through which they can make the right choices, to make products , achieve the correct assembly from the technical and technological point of view but also monitor the electrical and mechanical parameters by measuring methods and complex installations.Through the participation to the European training, the students will work with a wide range of systems, equipment and machinery which will help them form the necessary skills for the chosen areas, so that their professions will be required throughout Europe. The companies where the students will achieve internship, have modern equipment in order the students to develop their skills mentioned in the curriculum and understand the responsibilities of the workers in the industry (regarding the tehnologies, procedures, regulations and instructions specific to the security at the workplace, health and fire fighting methods). The latter will be implemented in terms of their direct and responsible participation in a process centered on the students’ own needs and aspirations.At the end of the placement, the students will be capable to :- consult the technical documentation necessary to achieve products in the fields of mechanics, electronics and automation;- perform the necessary tasks for the execution ;- ensure the task recording in official documents ;- provide the necessary resources for the execution ;- establish the assembly works of equipment and installations ;- apply the operating rules specific to equipment and installations according to technical documents ;- evaluate the work according to the field’s standards ;- apply legislation on safety, health and fire fighting at the workplace;-plan and organise the actions of avoidance and mitigation of identified risks at the workplace.
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