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Creative Traditional Companies Cooperation (CTCC)
Start date: Jun 30, 2015, End date: Oct 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Creative industries are not merely current ‘hot topic’, but they also are the engine for regional economy. At the turn of culture and economics, creative industries stimulate business, technology and society, as well as influence regional development. That makes creative industries an important element of modern, postindustrial, knowledge-based economy. The overall objective of the main project is to stimulate cooperation between creative companies and traditional companies to get added value and create non technological innovation as well as products, services, and business models for both traditional and creative industries. Project will be implemented within the South Baltic Region (SBR) through conduction of joint activities devoted to transfer of knowledge and exchange of good practices, as well as initiate and develop new products and services. The SBR creative sector is dominated by small and medium sized companies with a high creativity potential and little business competence. Traditional sector is well developed but different branches are present in different regions. Main task is to encourage both industries working in blue and green field to cooperate and develop new products and services that are more sustainable, innovative and user friendly. The role of design and the creative industry and cultural contribution with which it is associated, is a key economic issue. The real challenge lies not just in designing better products and better processes but in designing entirely new business models. Not only Europe, but specifically the SBR needs a design policy to help member states to initiate mature policies for development and to offer arguments to support appropriate investment in the promotion of design as an integral aspect of economic growth. Expected Results: Being at the crossroads between arts, business and technology, cultural and creative sectors hold a strategic position to have an impact on spill-overs in other industries. For instance, creative industries deliver content for ICT applications, forming a demand for high-tech consumer electronics and telecommunication devices. In general, creative sectors affect innovativeness of other related industries. Strategic document ‘Innovation Union’ explains innovation as stimulated by non-technological factors, i.e. creativity, design, new business processes or models. Boosting potential of creativel industries may be important for social innovations too and consequently – for facing the major, modern challenges, i.e. climatic and demographic changes or cultural diversity. Sustainable economic development is nowadays very important not only because of the European Union countries economics, but also because of current economic situation of the Baltic Sea countries. In this area we can see that countries like Sweden, Denmark are very dynamic, innovative, performing research and development activities, creating an ecosystem for development (Innovation Union Scoreboard 2013). While countries such as Poland or Lithuania for years trying to catch up with them (which often took place through the purchase of technology which was often expensive and not very well adapted to the realities of the weaker countries). The main objectives are: • to set up strong cooperation of CCI and traditional sector to streght innovation ecosystem; • to create and implemant new services, products and business models for both industries;• promote an idea of non technologigal innovation and mesure a value the non technological innovation added to comapnies and • to establish a process for the efficient transfer of non-technological innovation between R&D institution and SMEs, setting strong plaform of international cooperation based on the triple helix cooperation medels.

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  • 85%   23 800,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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3 Partners Participants