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Creative sustainable management, territorial compatible marketing and environmental education to be parks (2Bparks)
Start date: Jul 4, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Protected Areas (PA) play an important role for sustainable territorial policies.Often perceived as a limit to economical growth, PA´s have to face up anthropic pressures reconciling economic interests with ecological requirements. New integrated plans based on a transnational framework will be fostered to improve PA sustainable growth. Increasing awareness and diminishing economical and social impacts are instances considered by the project to avoid the loss of MED ecological balance. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startWith the aims to reconcile the economic requirements with the natural and environmental instances within the MED protected areas and to foster the sustainability of the management and marketing plans of the target areas, starting with the assessment of common needs and potential problems and on the basis of the past practices benchmark, the partners: - designed new tools tailored for the improvement of management plans and of marketing strategies, such as: roadmap for manager, notebook for sustainable tourism, the marketing strategy, the e-calendar and the sourcebook - developed transnational tasks involving different target groups, such as economic operators in the 2bparks CLUSTER, young researcher n the transnational edu-camp, schools and children in common educational activities and in a transnational school contest -provided local action plan for the follow up of the project at territorial level.Latest project activities and outputsThis period has been characterized by important transnational successful activities: the symposium on the sustainable development of the protected areas, the edu-camp, the launch of the transnational clusters of economic operators. Most of the partners during this period completed the pilot actions and the local experimental actions, organizing also roadshows and events for the dissemination of both the project and the pilot plans. By the end of the period, LP was planning and ready to launch the transnational award .Next key steps for the projectThe next steps the partners have to undertake are: - Adopting the pilot plans elaborated during the project to make project output effective at territorial level - Organizing last partners' meeting to share project outcome - Organizing the final conference, launching the transnational award and elaborating the final publications in order to disseminate project results and to start the process of 2BParks mainstreaming
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  • 76.8%   1 623 500,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

9 Partners Participants