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Creating keystones for further youth exchange
Start date: Aug 15, 2015, End date: Dec 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This seminar focuses on bringing together youth leaders from local youth groups in rural areas with a European exchange dream . Starting from that dream we bring them into contact with local youth leaders from Belgium , Germany and France , and with organisations that have expertise in setting up international projects. By means of various workshops the particiapants will develop a first version of a European exchangeproject. From each country there are six participants (maximum 2 of the same local group). On this way , we want to involve as many local youth groups at this event as possible ( local youth leaders from nine different local groups). First of all the participants get to know each other, their organisations and their exchangedreams. But they also get to know each others struggles to organize an exchange. During this seminar they discover on a fun way the possibilities iof Erasmus + and the Youth Pass. To provide this knowledge people of organisations with expertise in supporting youth in organizing an international exchangeproject. After this the local youth leaders will create an exchangeproject in small groups (inspired by the knowledge that they have discovered during this seminar). At he end all the groups will present their exchangeproject on a creative way to everybody. At the end we have an reflection- evaluationmoment. The global goal of this event is to create exchanges between local youthgroups of Belgium, Germany and France. We'll use the facebookgroup to see if exchanges are happening between local youthgroups and to be able to communicate with each other about the struggles for organizing an exchange.
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