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Create your life - create your world
Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Sep 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

From July 16th until 24th a youth exchange of young people from three lands will take place. The participating countries are Sweden, Spain and Germany. From Sweden 8-10 young people will come, from Spain 10-14 and from Germany 8-10. Their age will be from 16 to 24 years.The contact between the youth-groups of these countries in the scope of the youth exchanges exists since 2007 (Spain) and 2009 (Sweden). Since that time groups from Offenbach participated in Madrid, Horta de Sant Joan and Malta in several youth exchanges with many different countries. Some of the participators had - and still have- amicable contacts in the "social networks". The subjects at the meetings in the last years were for example the connection, that music can make, the investigation of ethnic and cultural stereotypes, the participation of young people in the europeen politic, and the situation of young immigrants. In 2014 young german and catalan people were engaged in the subject art.The focus of the meeting in 2016 shall be built up on these subjects. The main question is: How can young people become the active part in their living invironment and create their free time self-determined, without always using the ready prepared and commercial offers, that they get? How can they become from a consumer to a self deciding person, that acts creative, participating and self-contained? The subjects sports, music, communication and arts shall be investigated. For this the young people will keep busy with examples and projects of the free time and the living areas of young people that often develop at the margins or niches of the big cities. For the investigations small groups will visit places with photo- and video-cameras, where young people created their own life- and activity-areas, for example independent cultural-clubs, free radio-projects, original streetsport-activities or theatre-groups.The participating youth-groups from the three countries prepare a video or a photo-presentation befor they come and bring it with them. At the beginning of the exchange they will show to the others examples of their culture and activities in their free time. That means actvities outside of the commercial world of consume and medias in their environment, maybe those, where they are active themselves.While the exchange in the afternoons the young people will go in one of the 3 or 4 researching-groups. These groups will be outside a few hours, while taking photographs or films. Besides this they shall try as much as possible by themselves. The reserching-groups will be accompnied by media-pedagogs or other tutors.With this reports and the results of the researching-groups all the participant will work at the following morning. Until the last day from all the result will be prepared a video-film. Interested young people shall work in this activity. After the common prepared international buffet at the last evening this film will be presented. At some of the other evenings the young people will visit together events or concerts. An excursion into the nature for one day also is planned. With the engagement with unusual freetime-activities und lifestyles of young people the researchers can get new impulses for themselves. Their tolerance for people, that go unusual ways or do unusual activities, can increase. They expand their view for possibilities, to create their lifes self- efficacious and independent. They envolve themselves from the role of the consumer of ready-prepared offers into personalities, that are able to create their freetime by themselves, and that can choose between many different ways of living.

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