Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Bilingual Pre-K and Primary School is presenting a project focused on improving the academic results and the social and equality values of our students. Once the achievements and difficulties have been analised we will design a plan with all the necessities with the aim of improving our institution. The project facilitates the coverage of our said necessities through the different activities of mobility. Our necessities are centered in the the improvement of linguistic competence, in the English language, of the teachers, observance of the methodology utilised in learning English as a mother language, training about the methodology based in the curricular differences, cooperative learning, and strategies utilised in the process of learning to learn, how an English learning centre is organized, observation of the strategies and methodologies and taking advantage of personal resources. The Directive Team will create motivation between the teachers and their commitment. The participants chosen will be guaranteed transparency and equality. Their selection will be realised based on criteria related with their professional trajectory and commitment to the items developed related to the needs of the centre. Their mobility duties will be related with: - The improvement of linguistic competence - Training regarding innovative methodologies focused on the curricular differences, cooperative learning and learning to learn. - Observation of centres in the United Kingdom regarding the teaching methodology utilised in English as a mother language. - General Observation of a centre in the United Kingdom, the organization and how they take advantage of the personal and spacial resources. All the items taken into account will be put into practise and a direct repercussion on the students, the teachers and the educative community. During the process there will be a follow up on the progress of the training of the teachers and the repercussions of the improvements to all the students and the institution. The work realised will allow the development of a project in the learning centre with its own characteristics, but also marking it with international values, good teaching practices, and an innovative methodology. The participants will acquire European mobility that will enrich their professional curriculum and will mark their training at an international level. The realization of the project will have firstly, a direct impact on the participant, and secondly an impact on the teachers from the centre with which he/she will share their knowledge, and directly on the students which will benefit from the knowledge both on a professional and personal level. The realisation and execution of the good practise, will have a short term and long term impact. All out work will be shared to better take advantage of the results. Firstly, the sharing of the knowledge will take place in our nearest environment, local school board, students and families; afterwards it will be shared with education inspection, territorial boards, and national and international institutions. The channels utilised for the sharing of the results will be various: informative sessions, seminars, reports about the objectives and results, news articles, informative flyers, publication on the school website, publication on international electronic platforms and eTwinning as well as publications in the bilingual community in the Madrid Community. The evaluation will be realised in a continuous fashion and regularly about the development of the project, together with the achievement of objectives and the impact on society. The instruments utilised will be various and they will supply us with indicators of the achievements with significant value to be able to realise a quantitative and qualitative evaluation. A good development of the project will mean the acquisition of the competencies necessary to cover the necessities for which they were designed, without forgetting the final objective with which this type of project is focused on ¨The improvement of the European Educucation System¨.
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