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Cre8 2ru Fun
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Nov 15, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As part of the Erasmus+ European Commission, "Cre8 2ru Fun", is a 6 day Youth Exchange held between the 29th June 2014 and 6th July 2014 in Sliema, Malta. The Salesian Oratory will be hosting 4 youth leaders and 24 young participants from Malta and Italy. Most of the participants are facing socioeconomic difficulties and with the slogan for Erasmus+ in mind: "Changing lives. Opening minds", this project will be raising awareness on culture as an important resource of creativity. The aim and objective of this project is to brand Europe as the place to create in the world. Europe’s multiculturalism is a chance to stimulate creativity. We all have a role to play, both as citizens and consumers in drawing on the power of culture and creativity to help deliver new, more sustainable ways of living and working. Through culture based creativity workshops: Black Light theatre, Hand Puppetry and Circus, these young people are going to convey dynamism. While creativity is a positive word in a society constantly aspiring to innovation and “progress”, culture is the general expression of humanity, the expression of its creativity. Through these workshops, the intercultural evenings and team building, these young participants will be contributing towards strengthening social ties among communities and thereby nurtures individual as well as organisational self-esteem and ultimately their well being. "Cre8 2ru Fun" will help motivate participants to remain active citizens in their respective European Community involving themselves in both local and international projects and activities will stimulate young people and youth workers/leaders of a particular youth community and youth organisation, to host new projects with one goal in mind: to communicate more effectively, challenge stakeholders and conventions and look for new ways to stand out. This project will also contribute to produce innovation and young people gaining creative skills will help them be more confident and create a better lifestyle for themselves in a conducive environment.
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