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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project aim to prepare Pan European analysis of good practices of school-parent cooperation and then create one, amalgamate strategy for education and cooperation with children's parents, called Parents corner. Project will also prepare teacher trainings for Parents Corner and set group of promoters in every country to promote the project results in future years on conferences, workshops and different Teacher Continuing Professional Education seminars. Parental involvement in the form of ‘at-home good parenting’ has a significant positive effect on children’s achievement and adjustment even after all other factors shaping attainment have been taken out of the equation. In the primary age range the impact caused by different levels of parental involvement is much bigger than differences associated with variations in the quality of schools. The scale of the impact is evident across all social classes and all ethnic groups. (Desforges 2003). There is still underdeveloped public awareness of the importance and the need to educate parents and only small number of printed and published material is available to provide parent with enough information. On the other hand, schools are not intensively involved in the parents education because of lack of trainings for work with parents. What the parents corner should be? Parents Corner should be the place through which we strengthen our relationship with parents and build a new level of partnership. We do not want our parents only come to the informational and parent meetings with class teachers, but it is at full capacity involved in school life. Through the "Corner for parents" actively involve parents in the new forms of partnership with the school: parents educators, volunteers, trainers, advisers, teaching assistants, participants in workshops, panel discussions, lectures, authors and co-authors in making guides, brochures, etc., which encourages and directs parents to serious relation to the obligations imposed by the education of children, and ultimately affects the improvement of relations between family-school and graduating with a resulting level of cooperation on the level of partnership. Educate parents in Corner for parents is meant to offer greater support to parents of children discrimination based on gender, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and disability, as well as to all parents whose children attend the school. This corner becomes the place where parents meet and work together, a place where organize different activities, in order to improve parenting skills and opportunities. General needs for the project in EU European Union has set the policy called “Supporting Parenting and Assisting with Childcare” in which defines Involving Parents in the Education of their Children with the implementations strategies. This project directly supports horizontal priorities of Erasmus +: a) Dealing with complex classroom realities and b) Developing new approaches to strengthen the education and training paths of prospective and practising educators/youth workers. Results of the project We expect that the project will results better cooperation with partners from other countries; innovative approaches for addressing target groups, ensuring attractive education and training programs in accordance with the needs and expectations of individuals, the use of participatory approaches and methodologies based on ICT; greater efficiency activities for the benefit of local communities; more modern, more dynamic, more committed and more professional environment in schools through its willingness to incorporate best practices and new methods in daily activities; openness for synergies with organizations active in various fields or other socio-economic sectors, strategic planning professional development of staff in accordance with the needs of the individual and organizational goals of schools. Impact of the project It is expected that project will encourage development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices, and implementation of joint initiatives to promote cooperation, collaborative learning and exchange of experience at European level and motivate other school and teachers to be more active, and create a Corner for parents that will enable a comprehensive approach and successful cooperation with the parents to raise the level of partnership. It is also expected that project will strengthen the profile of teachers, encourage teachers and school management to provide high quality education, solve complex situations and embrace new tools and methods, so that everyone had the necessary skills in partnership with parents, through acceptance of collaborative and innovative practices, with the aim of creating the necessary changes and improving partnerships between schools and parents.
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