Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school aims to establish a solid cooperation with European Vocational Institutions in the fields of Vocational Training and in Current Educational Issues. Encouraging educators and students to become involved in European Mobility Programmes is one of the goals that the school’s headmaster set in the school's 3year development plan. The implementation of such projects will give them a great opportunity to develop their personality, self-esteem, competences and skills. The participants are educators and students. The administration of our school, having in mind the need for further personal and professional development of the educators and students of the school, decided that 13 educators and 42 students should take advantage of the benefits that Erasmus+ Programme offers. The participants were students attending courses in Hotel and Catering Program , Baking and Pastry Program and Electrical Program. The students during their second year in school, must undergo practical training for 20 weeks, a pre - requisite for obtaining their school certificate. All teaching staff have work experience within their fields. The instructors work closely with the industry, since during the training program of the students(20 weeks training period) which is compulsory work experience, the educators are inspecting and evaluating the students. The educators and the students of the Hotel and Catering Program and Electrical Program have participated in similar projects and the results were very beneficial, enjoyable and they gained a lot from similar projects in the past. This mobility project consists of the following activities: Action 1: a group of Educators of the sending organization observed and attended various lectures and practical training concerning methods and teaching skills that the receiving organization follows. Furthermore, they had the opportunity to teach lectures of similar courses using teaching techniques that we use as well. Action 2: The participants students attended training in hotel and catering departments. This way our pupils were able to improve their professional skills, language skills along with their self-confidence that is needed in order to compete and promote their careers in the European Labor market. The two organizations worked closely to develop and deliver the task for our students. Riga Technical School of Tourism and Creative Industry, instructors prepared the students placement and our educators supervised them on a daily basis. Action 3. The participants students attend classes in our new post secondary Pastry and baking Arts program. Students of this program were able to improve their professional skills along with their self-confidence that is needed in order to compete and promote their careers in Local and the European Labor market. Action 4:The students of the Electrical Department attended field trips in companies and businesses specialized in Electrical installations and Automation. Furthermore students visited educational Institutions and attended cultural field trips. Our Institution carried out the management of the project, as explained previously. Our school worked closely with our partners in order to set up the learning agreements, concerning the procedures that both partners followed and set up the standards for meeting the desired learning outcomes of the project. Furthermore in cooperation with our partner organizations we set up the measures of evaluation upon the completion of the project; for all the partners taking part in this Mobility Program . As it is previously mentioned, one of the main objectives of this project for our school is to establish a solid cooperation with European Institutions in the field of VET. Upon meeting the objectives of this project an important result was the improvement of qualification of teaching personnel as well as the establishment of processes regarding validation of experience gained during learning (for students) and teaching (for educators) periods in another country. Students by improving their language skills will improve their learning performance; upgrading students’ awareness of the European Union values and European Mobility projects will eventually upgrade the students' intercultural awareness and finally increase their self-esteem. Educators in the future would support the promotion of such mobility actions; upgrading their competences in teaching and training would be another great value and finally they would try to implement different systems, strategies and policies in education. Regarding our school the greatest benefits of all is to establish a continuous cooperation with European Vocational Institutions. In the long run this kind of projects promotes and establishes the European Values. Such projects between two or more countries confirm the principle of lifelong learning.

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