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Cooperation for social and civic competences’ innovative education
Start date: Nov 2, 2015, End date: Nov 1, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Cooperation for social and civic competences’ innovative education” rose from the initiative of Fundation of Support for NGOs UMBRELLA (PL), Czech Council of Children and Youth (CZ) and Lithuanian Youth Center (LT). The project idea was born out of a need to improve the methods of educational youth work in order to engage young people in local community activities, active civic and democratic participation such as volunteering, membership in NGO’s, youth councils as well as using Internet as a way to civic involvement. To answer those needs, we have established a partnership composed of non-profit organizations and public institution with different experiences and expertise in youth education sector in order to provide youth educators with knowledge, methodology and attitudes to make their work in described area more efficient. Precisely due to the efficiency of the project, we plan to involve young people as experts in solving problems that affect them and their peers. The project has following objectives: - to promote empowerment, participation and the active citizenship of young people - to support young people to put their ideas into practice with a view to tackling challenges and problems identified within their communities - to internationalise youth work, professionalise those who work with youth and to develop their competences - to promote stronger coherence between different EU and national transparency and recognition tools, so as to ensure that skills and qualifications can be recognised across borders. To achieve this goal partnership will develop, test and approve Social and civic competences’ innovative educational pathway, which will consist of three parts: 1) raising the level of skills that will be useful/helpful for youth to their social involvement/participation (such as self-confidence, leadership, understanding the codes of conduct and manners generally accepted in different societies and environments, ability to communicate constructively in different environments, to show tolerance, express and understand different viewpoints, to negotiate with the ability to create confidence, to feel empathy, how to be capable of coping with stress and frustration and expressing them in a constructive way, attitude of collaboration, assertiveness and integrity, overcome prejudices and to compromise), 2) motivation, support and encouraging young people to engage into initiatives groups, non-governmental organizations, volunteering, youth councils (on different levels: district, municipal, region etc.) and other bodies to act socially for the local communities; how to identify, diagnose or just name challenges and problems of their social environment, how to put their entrepreneurial ideas into social practice (ex. presentation of project methodology), 3) motivation, support and encouraging young people to use interaction via the Internet and its services (on emphasis on social media) to their social involvement/participation, to use the potential offered by this form of civic involvement for mobilizing the interest and commitment of their peers and to involve a much broader constituency of youth, including unorganised ones. Crucial in the pathway will be emphasis on work with young NEETs (young people not in employment, education or training) or young people with fewer opportunities and combat social exclusion. Workshops will result in involvement of youth into social activities for local communities. For the entire period of project implementation, partnership will realize crosss-sectorial activities (management, monitoring and evaluation, communication, dissemination, reporting). To work out the Intellectual output of the project, partnership will work by method “Step-by-step”: 1. Realize “state of art” research 2. Design and develop Pathway 3. Realize pilot testing among youth 4. Improve the output 5. Disseminate and exploit result At least 9 professionals will be involved in project’s activities and realize 18 mobilities (to hold three international meetings realized in the framework of the project.). Training activities which are planned to be realized: - Three short-term joint staff training events (for 15 professional each) in every partnership organization to exchange practices on how to work with young people - Three blended mobilities for youth (for 15 learners each) to involved them as experts in creation of the Intellectual output The expected success of the project is wide exploitation of the project result by target groups: 1) Young people 2) Implementors of educational activities for youth: educators/animators/coachers/trainers and youth workers from youth organisations, other organisations working with youth (cultural, educational, etc), youth councils, etc. (all entities interested in youth non-formal education in the field of civic and social competences), participating organisations and relevant stakeholders.
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