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ConTRIbution: Három önkéntes hozzájárulása egymás kölcsönös megértéséhez a fiatalok körében a kreativitás, sport és környezetvédelem eszközeivel
Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project’s name is ConTRIbution: Three volunteers’s contribution in order to promote mutual understanding among young people in the fields of creativity, sport and environmental protection. We would like to host three transborder Hungarian volunteers from Romania at our association Humán Erőforrásért Egyesület. It is seated in Kiskunhalas, Hungary on the Great Hungarian Plain. The volunteers are going to work 30 hours per week for 12 month there in the fields of sport and animals, arts and creativity and environmental protection. The project is implemented on the idillic farm Pici-Paci which also functions as a guest house. The volunteers are going to support the everyday work of our association according to their personal competences. They are going to help the stuff with organising and realising events and arranging thematic programs for school and youth groups. The volunteer’s task who works on the field of sports is to encourage the integration of youth. The second volunteer working in the field of creativity is going to promote tolerance and mutual acceptance through creative workshops eg. The European integration of Roma. The third volunteer dealing with environmental protection raises the awareness of the groups visiting us about the use of of renewable energy sources, importance of environmental protection and European collaboration. Moreover they contribute to the compilation of informattion material and presentations which goal is to promote the aims of the European Union and the Youth in Action programs among the local youth communities.

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