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The reason why we would like to realize our project is to deepen the cooperation of our town with Polish town Ledziny. It will enhance already existing cooperation between schools in Revúca and Ledziny which has been going on for a few years and it should also be deepened by bilateral Comenius project. The existing partnership has not been focused and concerned about environment yet. Both participating region have serious problems connected with the environment and would like to share and exchange their solutions and ideas. Our project is focused on expansion and deepening of environmental thinking among the staff of all participating institutions and it is a part of lifelong learning programme. The main focuse is on exchanging and sharing experience, examples of good practice, observing lessons and raising the awareness of necessity to collect and separate rubbish. Another part of our project will include meetings, workshops, lectures, reciprocal communication through ICT and common evaluation of all activities. All gained knowledge will be added into schools´ curriculums and used in educational process and will also have impact on wider communities. Our intention will be realize in cooperation with company Lesy Slovenskej Republiky, š.p., branch Revúca, Primary school of J. A. Komensky, The First Slovak literary gymnasium in Revúca, Primary school in Ledziny and Forest State Farm District Katowice. The outcomes of our project will be prospectuses, methodical materials for schools, tourist information centres and communities. Both regions will be enriched in deeper knowledge of their partners, regions and solutions in solving problems connected with our environment. The official end of our project does not mean the end of our partnership and our cooperation will continue through using ICT.
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