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Continous improvements in an added value chain
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Participants are teacher, supervisors and prospective operators in the industrial sector. They study on secondary courses related to SKF Sweden AB,Perstrop AB, Volvo Cars and Volvo Trucks. The participants follow designed upper secondary programs with a technical profile. The participants need expertise in several special areas such as: maintenance, grinding technology, steering techniques, etc. The project aims to enhance participants' employability through greater understanding and awareness regarding the way the value chain affects individuals, business and society. The project is supposed to strengthen the participants´ commitment, so that together with their future colleagues they will be able to develop new methods and approaches aimed at enhancing quality and improving utilization regarding all kinds of resources. The project does focus on Business Excellence which is the SKF interpretation of Lean Production. Three driving forces, continously changing conditions in production and society are studied namely: The rapid technological developoment, sustainability and the effects of internationalisation. With respect to the idea of Life long learning and within the framework of Lean Production, the project will also focus on diversity in general and gender equality in particular. Sending organisations are strongly linked to international groups, whose activities are increasingly dependent on Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR. A caring company is a sucessfull company! While comparing production processes, work organisation and management, the participants will stay in touch with 15-year-old students in public compulsary schools using modern IT. The idea is to motivate and enhance compulsary school students and teachers so that more young people will take the opportunity to participate in the renewal process. Since this project also has a focus on gender equality the project will focus on girls getting more intrested in modern technology as well as in industrial business. Another important objective, strongly linked to the previous one, consists of the European dimension and its focus on increasing understanding between nations and peoples in Europe: the EU is a peace project! The participants will prepare themselves by studying the way the European Union aims to increase understanding through economic, cultural and social cooperation. Most activities will be conducted abroad, because it is more than likely that in the future the participants will be offered jobs abroad. In order to create a deeper understanding of cultural features, the project needs to include an intercultural perspective. The participants will prepare themselves by taking part in intercultural language courses. The project is designed to enhance and exchange experience, as well as expertise, relating to Lean Production. Participating organisations will be involved in the evaluation activities and it is planned that the project will be reported back at seminars that will be held on European day in May 2016 and in May 2017 with specially invited guests from all organizations involved. Among the invited: . Teachers, students and relatives to the schools in the compulsary school system involved in the project • Participants and their relatives • Representatives from hosting organizations • H/R managers and production managers • Invited representatives from labour market organizations representing employers and employees • industry bodies such as the Engineering College (Teknik College) • Invited media representatives • Invited representatives from the National Agency It is intended that the disclosures shall be made public, and that is why the location is very important. The World Culture Museum in central Gothenburg, would fit all needs. More over project presentations will also be held in Västerås and in Perstotrp/Skåne. All collaborative partners will take great interest in the evaluation. Documented experience based on creativity and entrepreneurship, will contribute to the process of renewal; locally but also on national- and an international levels - Fully in accordance with aims of The Erasmus + programme.
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14 Partners Participants