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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project is based in three main pillars: a) Compensation of sociocultural needs in a great number of our students. b) Acquiring good models of practice in scholar successful c) Teachers training anda perfection in English languaje. It is necessary to highlight 15% of students coming to our school from a students´residence. They have lots of cultural, behavioural, economic needs, being the school the only model for learning, above all in English, because their special features in accomodation, they can´t choose any extracurricular learning in English. On the other hand, a considerable number of students from the nearest area with same needs come to school too. Having noted the center´s needs, the need of the acquisition teacher of new methodological strategies and the improved fluidity of English speakers to raise the level in the area of foreign language and the motivation of our students, wich generally have poor results especially in that subject. The theachers meets and concludes the need for teacher training in English language and the acquisition of new methodologies, so they decide to choose a group of them to attend training courses and conducting Job Shadows in order to transmit to other teachers acquired knowledge and to integrate theminto the classroom routine. Final four definitive teachers or with several years in the school are chosen in orden to give continuity to the activity once started. These teachers will be two elementary school teachers, the project coordinator who is also the school secretary and the specialist English teacher. The main activities are scheduled in the project are3, a project TwinSpace, training courses and Job Shadowing: Over the next two years keep direct contact teachers who participate in the mobilities and other teachers of the school with their puplis once a month with the school that will do the Job Shadowing throught TwinSpace. The next school year, four teachers will travel to UK to attend a training courses to explore motivational techniques and encouraging students used English as a communication tool help develop English language fluent and colloquial form will help us to use strategies to motivate students in learning that will improve their knowledge and their ability to use English more safely and in a proper manner. As noted above will become the two mobilities in pairs. In 2016-17, there wil be the visit of the two teachers at school in London for two weeks, also in pairs, for the Job Shadowing. When they return mobility, meet all teachers to transmitting the training acquired and included in the daily work, making the necessary changes that are created in different techniques, activities and methodologies that are performed in the different subjects. It will be a multisectoral dissemination as well as publishing both the school website and its Facebook page the activities undertaken, also quarterly meet the president of the Association of Parents of the center as a direct liaison with families school to transmit a series of phrases and simple everyday vocabulary to continue working in the family started in the center. Shall also meet the School Board as there is a representation of the sectors that make up the educactional community and given knowledge of all activities in addition to the quarterly evaluation and will have their opinion on the proposals for improvement. Regarding the short-temr impact means the immediate improvement of skills of the participants in the target language, English. In the medium and long term impact on the improvement in our pupis as we introduce in the Annual Plan activities that encourage the use of English in the classroom in any subject and new methodological strategies acquired in training courses. All this will make the students indrease the chances of contact with the English language so that you gain will in a continuous manner, besides being teachers that affect classes wich transmit information in English, students will directly through TwinSpace with the British School wich will make the Job Shadowing so they will have more contact.

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