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Construire la culture commune des élèves et leur citoyenneté européenne en s'appuyant sur les richesses interculurelles de l'Europe et en développant leurs compétences langagières en anglais
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Elsa Triolet primary school is located in a disadvantaged area of Toulouse. It's part of REP + Raymond Badiou secondary school 's network. The students of Elsa Triolet are mainly from immigrant families and there is little social nor cultural mixing. This interdisciplinary European development plan aims at: - improving students' English linguistic skills thanks to the training of one of the 3 english teachers of the school. - raising students awareness of intercultural relations existing in Europe. And so the plan contributes to build their european citizenship and to improve community life. - helping students to acquire some of the skills of the Information Technology and Internet Proficiency Certificate (B2i), thanks to an e-twinning project. This plan will begin with the headmistress mobility in Malta during summer 2015. In this european country which is in the heart of various Mediterranean cultures, she will have the benefit of 2 weeks training in an language school, in order to improve her English level and her methodology of education. During this training, she will discover Malta intercultural relations. When back to school, during the school year 2015/2016, she will organize the school teachers' meetings in order to share her experience and to implement this European development plan: mobilize the teachers about the e-twinning platform to launch a European project, boost English education, raise students awareness of their European citizenship through the school paper, its web site, its 3 times a year exhibitions for the parents. The number of launching projects (e-twinning, web site and school paper articles, presentations..) will be evaluated. Regarding the students' english skills, we'll aim at increasing the number of the CM2 validating the level A1. In the long run, the plan aims at reducing the school disparities, by allowing students to acquire a common european culture, and by improving community life.

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