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Consolidación del Proyecto de Formación e Innovación del centro "Crossing Cultures"
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IES Ategorri BHI is a public high school which offers the regular daytime high school program as well as evening high school. The most relevant projects and actions of the school are structured around the Innovation and Training Project "Crossing Cultures –Towards Multilingualism” which includes: the School Exchange Project, the multilingual programme, Erasmus+ projects, Technological Maturity and Agenda 21 programme. This project encompasses all the actions undertaken around the English language: online collaborative projects, English assistant … The goal of these actions is to respond to the families’ growing demand for these internationalisation experiences. The main objective of the European development plan of the school is to offer our students and the entire education community a school open to Europe, with an effective management, a methodology adapted to the changing times and which uses new teaching methods and tools. Besides, this plan focuses on improving the quality of English teaching and increasing students’ motivation, so that when they finish their high school studies they are equipped with the skills needed to communicate effectively in English with other European countries. Given this context, the main needs in this field are to improve or refresh the language competence of our staff, strengthen the European dimension of the school (establish links with teachers from different European high schools) and improve school management and the methodology used in the classroom. The criteria the committe used for selecting the candidates were: motivation and involvement in the different school projects, command of English and future prospect in the school. Within the project six teachers have attended 1 or 2 weeks training courses in Britain. The participating teachers included the school’s head teacher, the head of the English department, 2 teachers who teach subjects in English and 2 teachers participating in school exchanges. •"One week course for European Secondary Headteachers (Southampton)" course for headteachers which aims to provide an insight into Secondary Education in Great Britain; the role, responsibilities and problems of a Headteacher, school improvement and evaluation, an opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences and develop links with headteachers from other European countries, all aspects of the management of the school, decision-making, quality control and evaluation, inspection,… •"Creative Teaching in the Secondary classroom, Practical And Creative Methodology for Overseas English Language Teachers (Oxford)”. The goal of this 2 week course is to to improve, refresh and update their English and their teaching methodology and to make contacts from other parts of the world, to provide them with creative ideas to make their classes more lively and interactive and with practical activities for teaching challenging classes. •"General Secondary English With CLIL (Oxford)" course aimed at secondary teachers who have to deliver content lessons in English. The aims of the course are to clarify the concept of CLIL and to focus on specific areas of language development for classroom management and instruction. Teachers will know about teaching techniques which are transferable to a variety of subjects across the curriculum and also how published and authentic materials can be adapted for CLIL lessons. •"Better English for Teachers (Exeter)" and "General Course to Improve English Skills as a Teacher at Upper Intermediate Level (Canterbury)". These 2 courses are focused on improving teachers’ level of English and introducing language in the context of participants’ teaching situations. They are also aimed at teachers taking the first steps towards CLIL, and teachers interested in working in a multi-school project in which the working language is English. They provide practical ideas for using in the classroom and establish links with other European teachers. •"Glories of the Gothic Revival: Strawberry Hill to Ninian Comper (London)," English course aimed at strengthening the academic knowledge of history and history of art of the participants. It offers the participants the opportunity of making contacts and improving the methodology of teaching in English. The project has had a very positive impact on the participants, the school and education community. Apart from being a very enriching personal experience, teachers have improved, refreshed and updated their English. It has also fostered the establishment of links with other European teachers, and provided resources for teaching English and in English. It has also brought in an improvement in school management. All the above issues have led to a more effective teaching and the whole education community has benefited from it. Furthermore, the success and good reception of the project have led to a new Erasmus + KA1 project for 2016-18, including “job shadowing” activities. In turn, we will also host other European teacher

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