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Conservation of Botarus stellaris and Aythya nyroca in SPA Medzibodrozie in Slovakia (AYBOTCON)
Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Slovakia’s Medzibodrožie SPA contains the country’s largest wetland biotype territory comprising channels, marshes, alluvial lowland landscapes and floodplains. The area is favoured by protected species such as bittern (Botaurus stellaris) which use the SPA as a breeding ground. Up to 30 pairs are estimated to reside in Medzibodrožie but the population is not considered to be stable. Other notable species include the ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca), but the roosting population is limited to no more than five pairs and the population’s status is recorded as unfavourable since numbers have declined significantly in recent years. Both the above-mentioned species are waterfowl listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive. I n the Medzibodrožie SPA area they are threatened mainly by loss of habitat as wetlands dry up in response to changes in land use practice and climatic conditions. Eutrophication of existing wetland habitats poses an equally serious problem. Objectives The core objective of the LIFE Nature project focuses on halting and reversing unfavourable populations trends for the bittern and ferruginous duck in East Slovakia, especially within the Medzibodrožie SPA, which remains an important migration route and breeding area for these and other birds. Expected results: Elaboration of national action plans for protection of both target species; Purchase of 20 ha of land to ensure the protection of the two species; Restoration of appropriate water regimes on 50 ha, involving construction of one new sluice and reconstruction of three older sluices; Restoration of degraded wetland habitats for the target species over 90 ha; Implementation of management measures within 50 ha of breeding habitats of the target species; Securing of additional and suitable food supplies for the bittern at restored habitats; Prevention of disturbance of the target species at breeding sites; Building of visitor management infrastructure; and Raising of public awareness about the importance and benefits of species conservation activity.

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