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Conservation of birds of prey in Kresna Gorge, Bulgaria (LIFE FOR KRESNA GORGE)
Start date: Jun 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Following reintroductions carried out in early 2010, the Kresna Gorge is now the second most important area for the griffon vulture in Bulgaria, after Eastern Rhodopi, with three breeding pairs in 2011 and up to 20 birds present throughout the year. The site is also very important as a foraging area and as a ‘stepping stone’ for young griffon vultures on their migration from former Yugoslavian countries to the Bosporus and back. In southwest Bulgaria, three to five single adult or immature Egyptian vultures are present each year during the breeding season – about 5% of the Bulgarian population of the species. It is believed that southwest Bulgaria has the capacity to hold a stable population of about 10 breeding pairs. To achieve this goal, intensive direct and indirect conservation measures are required in order to concentrate the available birds in a safe area, attract new ones and support reproduction. The Kresna Gorge is also a very important area for other raptors, as well as for other bird, reptile, mammal and plant species. Objectives The project aims to restore the populations of birds of prey and other emblematic species in southwest Bulgaria by reducing the impact of direct persecution and other indirect threats, maintaining and enhancing the habitats of birds of prey, reptiles and mammals in the Natura 2000 site designated for these species, and by promoting a positive attitude to birds of prey in key sectors. These aims will be achieved by: Implementing field actions according to the international action plans for birds of prey species, and the current ecological needs of the species present in the project area; Implementing field actions to improve birds of prey breeding and foraging conditions; Applying state-of-the-art conservation methods and technologies, such as the release of rehabilitated and captive-bred griffon and Egyptian vultures to boost their populations in the Struma river valley; Captive breeding, acclimatisation and rehabilitation of vultures to support the restoration of their populations.Expected results: The project expects to increase the griffon vulture colony in Kresna Gorge from 1-3 pairs to 8-12 pairs. It will also establish a local breeding facility for vultures and a facility for land tortoises rehabilitation and safe reproduction. It is also expected that, as a result of the project actions, the Egyptian vulture will be frequently present in the project area, that at least one new breeding attempt will be registered, and that three municipal feeding sites for scavenging birds of prey are established and operational.

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