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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This is a 3 year project which aims to do two things: 1) Equip children and young people across Europe with '9 European Super Powers' that will enable them to feel confident, valued and give them the power to make a positive contribution to their local and wider communities. Motivation - Confidence - Pride - Independence - Respect - Creativity - Enterprise - Courage - Co-operation Activities have been designed to enable acquisition of the above personal 'powers', but also to support the development of communication and interaction skills. Improving these skills will help our pupils to become less insular and to enjoy their lives, enabling them to participate more fully in their communities and to become more socially integrated. Participating in this project will build confidence among our pupils and equip them with essential skills that will be useful to them in all aspects of life, but especially in the world of work. 2) Provide opportunities for specialist teachers and education staff to improve their own practice through the sharing of ideas and professional expertise with European colleagues. A particular focus in this project is communication and interaction - staff will be given the opportunity to develop skills in teaching and working with children and young people who have specific difficulties around communication. Each school is unique in the way that the curriculum is designed and delivered and all will benefit from being able to experience this first hand through visits, job shadowing and organised training events. By participating in this project, schools will feel more confident and equipped to incorporate outdoor, pupil-led and sensory aspects within their respective curriculums, thus appealing to a wider range of learning styles and needs. There will be approximately 400 children and young people who will participate in this project, the majority of whom have learning difficulties and / or disabilities, particularly around communication.
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4 Partners Participants