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Confronter ses connaissances professionnelles à la réalité industrielle d'un pays d'Europe Centrale
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mobility experiences provide a very rewarding addition to training our students unaccustomed to move abroad. This is an opportunity for them to have additional professional skills ( opening on the Polish professional world , discovering new businesses technologically advanced , or other structures that have not yet taken the step of a modern development ) . These mobilities are conducted in the framework of the training of the student and thus provides business Bac ultimately more value in terms of employability, the Europass Mobility is an essential complement to resume the future employee . Students acquire new knowledge and technical skills. It also confronts the social and cultural differences during its mobility. These transfers are in partnership with the Lycée Zespol Szkol Tychy , Silesian industrial town , a few kilometers from Krakow and Katowice . Polish School promotes the logistics of living and the placement of our students in business . Students are placed with Polish duo during these training periods . Students Professional Bac who lived this experience (about a hundred since the first start in Poland in 2005 , the tenth wave of students will experience this as of March 17, 2014 ) continued their training in A level (in a year ) and then BTS or BTS upon graduation from Bac Pro. Can be estimated at about 70% the rate of continuing training and 30% employability rate . The steering group of the project is in place since its inception in 2005. It aims the implementation of the following: o The selection of candidates for mobility ( student choice , criteria announced by the organizers : results , serious, personal projects, professional projects , language skills , ..) o Information provided to students and families on the organization of mobility ( frequency of meetings with students, meetings with parents , administrative and financial aspects , insurance, social security coverage , behaviors, rule of life abroad, ... ) o Identify companies ( content of the course, overall knowledge of the business relationship with the tutor - upstream enterprise) . This work is done in partnership with the Lycée Zespol Szkol . o Establishment of the link with the Polish pair ( upstream communication with the Polish trainee) o Organization of educational preparation, cultural and linguistic . ( Polish Courses , Intervention Teachers Lette - History and English in the PPLC , cultural knowledge (Country , Institution , History, ... ) ) o Travel arrangements , reception by the Companies , the Lycée partner accommodation. o Cultural visits (Contd. of PPLC Poland ) o The organization of the course ( the contents of the completed project , the adequacy of training in relation to expectations and objectives in accordance with the framework of the review of Bac ELEEC Business or Industrial Equipment Maintenance or Machining Technician , followed by the accompanying teachers , and support by the guardian of the Polish company ) o Evaluation of the mobility experience , returning from Poland o The external communication.
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