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Con mucho arte: look, create, learn... Enjoy!
Start date: Jul 4, 2016, End date: Jul 3, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project has the intention of facing the real needs of our staff and students. We want to improve the linguistic competence and CLIL methodology through an artistic and a more inclusive project that help us diminish the gaps that we find, as we implement the bilingual project in our school. Our goal is: learning through Art, so less students will find difficulties following the bilingual programme.Not only the participants but also the educational community will be the beneficiary of these nobilities. New techniques and activities will benefit our students, which means classes will be more motivating and varied with a more qualified staff. The rest of the teachers in the school will also take advantage through the workshops taught by the participants and new activities included in the annual school curriculum. Eight members of the staff will be part of this project: the Head Mistress, director of studies, two PrePrimary teachers, two Primary teachers, the ICT coordinator and the bilingual coordinator. Three motilities are included: two jobshadowing activities and a Aboriginal Art workshop. The jobshadowing activities will take place in the UK and Italy, having the opportunity to observe and learn from master teachers and how they use Art techniques in different ways. The methodology used will be active, participatory and inclusive, encompassing all the different subjects of the curriculum. The outcomes of our project will be observed and quantify in the coming school years through a range of indicators of achievement and the impact in our educational community and neighborhood. The results of this project will be measured through the introduction of the new methodologies learned in the master teachers’ classrooms, along with the improvement of the different artistic activities. In the long run it will improve the emotional and personal development of our pupils and their linguistic competence with all the different artistic activities.

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