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Comunicação - uma ponte para a inclusão
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project has as organizer the Agrupamento de Escolas Gil Vicente in Lisbon with a main office and 6 more elementary schools (1st cycle and 2 kindergartens). The cluster is situated in a historic area being this one of the most multicultural of the capital. It is attended by around 20 % of PLNM students from 33 different nationalities, which is viewed as a challenge for the teaching community and the institution as a whole. Goals The project "Communication - a bridge for inclusion" intents to develop teaching–learning strategies for pupils, for whom Portuguese is a non mother language (PLNM), attending formal education. It aims, essentially, to promote their cultural, social and linguistic integration. It also aims to improve the professional skills of teachers in order to meet the individual needs of PLNM students given the social, cultural and linguistic diversity. On one hand, it seeks to understand the processes that are used in the acquisition of language skills of learners of a second language. On the other hand it seeks to promote the sharing of experiences of intervention in learning contexts. Finally, the project aims to develop strategies to prevent early school leaving and to promote educational success. Profile and number of participants The professional profile of the 32 participants includes teachers whose pedagogical practice is based on a constructive knowledge mediation, revealing an active attitude of reflection and self-evaluation. Being aware of the need to increase the in training service and the impact of being involved in a project of European level . Description of activities English language training and ICT in Portugal; Enrolment in a specialized course at the University of Westminster and at the University of Roehampton, which meets the objectives outlined in this project and that include, among others, issues of linguistic and socio-cultural inclusion , the reduction of early school leaving and strategies for increasing academic success , always related to PLNM students. It is also essential the training in innovative educational practices that foster collaboration, coordination among teachers and sharing experiences using ICT . The schools involved in the project are interested in learning and sharing successful experiences and good practices . Methodology used Exchange of experiences in European context , promoting the mobility of teachers for training in specific areas that are considered relevant , particularly in training service teacher education in the ICT. Collaborative work among the project partners ( schools and universities ) in loco with short visits , observing classes or other assistance deemed relevant by partners . Cooperation and communication ensured by the potential of communication technologies . Results and impact and long-term benefits Improve the quality of the inclusion of students and their families in the school context . Innovate and disseminate teaching practices by promoting the cooperative / collaborative work with articulation between the various levels of basic education; To assess results obtained throughout the process using various evaluation instruments making the necessary adjustments and possible revision . Providing a digital book (ebook ) allowing easy consultation and promoting the dissemination of this project .
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