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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project "Committed to Vocational Training in Europe" arises on the core of IES Puente Ajuda, an educational centre located in Olivenza, at the Community of Extremadura (Spain), that attends students from the region. The project is aimed at students from the Intermediate level Vocational Training in Office Administration and new graduates (5 mobilities) and in Nurse´s Aid Cares (4 mobilities). These students are young people whose main characteristic is lack in economic resources, without inspiration and motivation to learning, furthermore with a rural mind, a value range where priority is given to money,…Society is always changes, demanding a very training people in a cultural and professional way. The pupils of the Vocational Training in our School don´t have this qualities at all, that's the reason why our intention is given them the opportunity of taking part in this project with the aim to emerge in them such circumstances, located them in a better social and occupational position.To achieve that, taking as a reference the realization of their traineeship at italian companies, is programmed to carry out differentactivities that remain in different aspect involved in this project. Thus, there will be the line of proceed below:* european dimension --> it will work in workshops, attending to conferences, taking part in competitions... where the main subjectwill be Europe and what implies being European citizens. Also, it will be realized activities related to Italy in general and with the cityand the region where they will travel. It tries to bring the European frame to a rural citizenship that today still lives too"inwardly",they are so narrow-minded and talk to them about Europe is to mention ancient stories and they comprehend it as anunreachable place.* wide view of the reality --> the participants will be received chats of organisms that promote the critical spirit, the autoesteem, theambition and the healthy competition, the motivation, the personal initiative, the dynamism, the empathy and in general all thosevalues that do a whole person, complete in all senses. It tries to change the set of values that these young persons have and that is aconsequence of being immersed in an environment with lacks of all aspects.* linguistic ability --> beside strengthen the English as a compulsary subject, they will attend an italian course to acquire basic skillsof the language of the host country. It tries to extend the knowledge of languages so that, joined the experience of making theirtraineeship abroad, the students improve their vocational training, having more opportunities of employability, being morequalified to perform a job.To take part in the project will have a strong repercussion for the students, not only in the short term (as the personal experiencethat entails, improving their social, cultural and linguistic skills) but also in the medium and long term, since to make theirtraineeship abroad puts them in a better position to join to the labor world at a national level, having a better curriculum vitae, and atransnational one. It means that "Committed to Vocational Training in Europe" affects in a decisive way our partner companies: receiving young Spanish students who do the traineeship in their enterprise offers to them the opportunity to value the work of a possible future candidate, cheapening costs of a possible selection process in case of needing to increase its staff.Moreover, it provides them a source of information about how people work in Spain and the training that is given in our country.The project will affect equally the teachers involved in its development since they will arouse to the need to introduce innovative methods in the educational practice to achieve a quality education; visiting the work centers of the students, they will be able to observe in a direct way the organization and how italian companies are being managed, which has a great value.The impact of the project will reach also the School, especially regard to its exterior image, being positioned as an innovative and a good practise Center.To sum up, "Committed to Vocational Training in Europe" appears as a project that allows to perform on certain issues that are necessary to develop in order to improve our society.
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4 Partners Participants