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Competitiveness Actions and Policies for Alpine Cities (CAPACities)
Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Mar 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Alpine Space is characterised by medium and small towns.They represent the territorial capital of AS for richness in natural resources, landscape quality and historical importance but they are also a weakness for economic development due to their isolation, depopulation and difficulty in connections and facilities supply.The project CAPACities aims at promoting the potential of little alpine towns through an integrated and transnational approach by innovative urban policies and actions, and by creating alliances with the neighbouring MEGAs and stronger territories.The project aspires to promote a new approach to territorial governance sharing a view capable to integrate different issues (multifunctional urban uses, environment and culture, tourism) in spatial development strategies. The project will create operative tools and specific gender policies (women, youth and aged people) to promote innovative urban activities, pursuing the Lisbon strategy applied at local territorial level. Achievements: CAPACities Project activities started with the Alpine Town Surveys assessing relevant information and knowledge on Small Local Urban Centres in Alpine Space. A Swot Analysis pointed out Alpine Small Local Urban Centres potentials and specific resources and their relationship with European Megacities. The following step consisted in the development of specific tools tailored on each pilot action and to be implemented in the Pilot Areas. Local actions, workshops, an exhibition, booklets and handbooks were the main outputs used for the dissemination activities. Moreover, Partners organized dedicated events to inform on results and they also participated to external events to disseminate their experience. A DVD with interviews of all the Partners was recorded and shown during the Final Conference. A results’ booklet, a toolkit for Local planning and guidelines were the final outputs of the Capacities Project.Outputs and results can be downloaded on the following ASP web page :[uid]=8&tx_txrunningprojects_pi1[view]=singleView
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  • 71.9%   1 969 478,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

9 Partners Participants