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Competențe noi - Valoare adăugată
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The VET learner mobility project, entitled ?Competen?e noi-Valoare ad?ugat?? (?New competences-added value?), whose target group was formed of the 10th and 11th grade students from the Philology ? bilingual English classes of ?Vasile Alecsandri? National College in Bac?u, was implemented over 1 year, 1.10.2014-30.09.2015. It came as a response to the students? need for motivation and development of competences required for their future employment as translators or interpreters of business English within the European labour market. Prior to the mobility, the 28 participating students selected from the target group lacked the practice of translation or interpretation into/from business English. Thus, as a result of the work placement experience, the students can do this in accordance with the acknowledged quality standards, in line with the objectives of the Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training (ET 2020). The two partner organisations, ?Vasile Alecsandri? National College, Bacau (sending organisation) and ADC College London (receiving organisation), ensured the necessary framework for the participation of students in a qualitative mobility. Besides ensuring the necessary framework for the work placement experience in the field of translation, the purpose of the mobility consisted in the elaboration of the English version of the ?Implementation Manual for Training Firms?, which is used by the students from the classes of Economics in the colleges of Bacau county who start managing virtual training firms in the 11th grade. The 28 participants were divided into 2 flows, each lasting two weeks (13-26 January 2015, 5-18 May 2015). Each flow was focused on the translation of three chapters out of the total of 6 chapters of the Manual. To enable the realisation of this final product, the tutors of ADC College organised practical translation activities, meant to assist the participants in their purpose. Thus, the practical activities were correlated with the topics/themes approached in the manual ? organisation models of companies, advertising and marketing, the departments of a company, business correspondence. As well as this, the stages of any translation work were presented ? elaboration of the first version/draft, revision by the translator, linguistic revision, revision by a specialist, elaboration of the final version, approval of final version by a specialist. The objectives of the project were closely followed and achieved: the participants benefited from a concrete work experience in the authentic domain of business English translation, under the supervision of the qualified personnel of ADC College, London; as such, the participants: - improved their professional competences with a view to facilitating their insertion on the European labour market; - acquired personal and professional skills; - adapted to new cultural values in the spirit of multilingualism; - developed social and communication skills, applying the knowledge gained during the culture, civilisation and history classes, part of the syllabus for bilingual classes; - developed a proactive attitude, as well as problem-solving abilities. Besides the cognitive, practical and communicative skills required from a translator - as described in the learning agreement (identification of corresponding linguistic structures in the two languages, identification of the communicative goal of formal structures, identification of grammatical, lexical, idiomatic structures characteristic of the domain, the elaboration of translation in stages, the selection of appropriate translation methods and techniques, the appropriate transfer of the message from the target language etc.), which students developed in the mobility, they also improved their capacity of: - self-evaluation from the point of view of work quality; - adaptation to stressful situations; - assumption of professional responsibility in a new work context; - understanding the major role of the translator (the importance of professional deontology in the intercultural and interlinguistic act of translation). Apart from developing their personal and professional acquisitions, the participants? work experience can contribute, in the long term, to the professional development of the communities of students from the colleges of economics in Bacau county - by providing them with the English version of the manual and by offering them linguistic support for the activities related to the creation and management of training firms, as well as in the preparation for participation in international fairs of TFs. The elaboration of the bilingual version of the manual enables the students and teachers of the colleges of economics in Bacau county to initiate international projects with similar schools in Europe. This ensures the future connectivity to the system of European values.
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