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COMPetency Assessment & Training for the uptake of eGovernment services by public authorities

Several initiatives have been started in the EU states during the last years increasingly improving the use of eGovernment services. Several studies show that progress has been made and that the degree of the adaptation of eGovernment services is fairly satisfying. In spite of these improvements topical elevations show that there are clear differences and obstacles concerning a uniform and common understanding of eGovernment and its introduction in the European countries. A determining obstacle on the way to a common understanding of eGovernment and the harmonisation of eGovernment services has been that there was no efficient authoritative frame for the assessment of the required competences as well as for the vocational education and training of the public servants. While progress has been made concerning the technical interoperability of eGovernment services, regarding the definition and assessment of competences as well as the vocational education and training of the public servants designing, implementing and running eGovernment services were still many duties. The project helped to raise the quality of the competency inquiry and assessment as well as the VET of civil servants to make use of eGovernment services. Therefore, contents and results from the preceding and running EU projects Rural eGov, Rural Inclusion, eCOTOOL and WACOM were adapted and integrated. pursued the following project aims: 1) Identification and analysis of e-gov competency standards for public servants2) Choice, transfer, analysis and adaptation of the innovative training contents to eGovernment services which were already developed for SMEs and can be used for public management to support the lifelong learning of public servants3) Transfer, adaptation and use of the authoritative model for the competency modelling and competency assessment for the target group, based on the identified need and demands4) Integration of eight reference levels of the EQF in the reference model and his harmonisation with national qualification frames and education systems5) The introduction of a mulitlingual on-line environment ( web portal) to offer the on-line search, access and use of digital information and training materials for eGovernment services at the target group's hands6) Realisation of a series of the pilot sessions which align the identified required competences and the ECVET recommendations.

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