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Competence Profiles for Learning Supporters in Elderly Care

Goals of the project:Learning supporters / quality managers are qualified to support training-on-the-job in nursing homes1.1 Learning supporter (LS)is informed about qualification necessities from the point of view of wearers, qualified personnel and science.1.2 LS evaluates his competences and is informed about educational facilities to improve them.2.1 LS is qualified to asses educational demand.2.2 LS develops educational offers made to measure to the assessed educational demand.3.1 LS squires other QM concerning the assessment of educational demand on training on the jobProject activities:Transnational conferencesThe partners participate in two transnational conferences, qualifies itself further on assessment of educational demand) and compiles in the context of these conferences materials to the project (e.g. competence profile for LS, competence profile for training-on-the-job in elderly care, recommendations for vocational schools of health/nursing).Data collection (inclusive best practice)The scientific partner collect - on national level - information about • Elderly care / elderly care structures• Education and schooling concerning elderly care and quality management• Assessment of educational demand of quality managers• Assessment of educational demand of quality managers concerning the support of training-on-the-jobWebbased Selfevaluation-ToolThe scientific partners develop a webbased selfevaluation-tool for LS, qualified personnel and wearers of nursing homes, which is based on the competence profiles mentioned above.TransferconferencesThe partners organize five national conference, which intend to publish and discuss the projects results and to intensify the dialogue with social partners in the field of elderly care.TransferprojectsThe LS, who take part in the project, squire two transferprojects which intend to initiate (or strengthen) training-on-the-job-activities in nursing homes. Public relations The project partners inform the interested public about the project results.Evaluation: This project is evaluated by the project coordinator and an external evaluator. The project partners take actively part in the evaluation of the project.

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