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Comparative stem cell research in mouse and humans (INDUSTEM)
Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The InduStem project is aimed at creating a mutually beneficial training and transfer of knowledge program between a Hungarian SME and a Dutch and a German academic research institution. The scientific and industrial aim is to generate novel information on the generation and maintenance of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in mouse and human and on their differentiation towards cardiac cells. Transposon mediated transgenesis technology will be studied for the first time to generate iPS cells.The iPS cells will be analysed and compared comprehensively with existing embryonic stem (ES) cell lines. The InduStem project links research activities in different mammalian systems, including murine and human, and in SME and academia. Training and transfer of knowledge activities are structured to assure the maximum efficiency in developing and exchanging the new standards between industry and academia and to expose the participating researchers to different environments and schools of thoughts. This is expected to be highly beneficial for their individual career development. The project is aimed to have an impact on the European Health sector. The main impact of the project is expected as integrating efforts in stem cell biology and cell therapy between industry and academia for long term collaboration. Furthermore, direct outcome of the project is expected from generating iPS cells potentially replacing ES cells in cardiac cell differentiation protocols in mouse and human, with potential applications in human regenerative medicine and tissue engineering fields and, beyond it, in pharmaceutical industry. The project paid special attention to avoid the use of live animals and human ES cells.
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