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Communication and Culture
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Understanding and being understood are essential skills for the development of human beings. By communicating we think, feel, express and receive. Through our project we want to work with our students the different ways that humans have used along our common history to convey ideas, feelings, emotions, etc through the senses, body language, music, spirituality, colour, technology, writing and many other ways. "Communication and Culture" is an Erasmus+ project for secondary education, in which for two school years, more than 1500 students from Europe in six different schools will travel in time discovering how men and women from our European countries and cultures have had the necessity to communicate using the available resources. From secret codes, to musical or mathematics language, dealing as well with current and future ways of communication. This will help their improvement in English and digital skills and will help them improve their basic competences. An interdisciplinary project in which the school subjects of Language, History, Geography, Religion, Maths, Music and Foreign Languages have a lot to say. To carry out the activities envisaged in our project, teachers will learn new teaching methods, which will be put into practice, for example cooperative learning techniques, multiple intelligences approach, the flipped classrroom, thinking routines (also called visible thinking), problem based learning and also the implementation and integration of ICTs (information and communication technologies) in the classroom. Through seminars, a forum on eTwinning and social networks, and direct contact and cooperation, teachers will exchange good practices to help them implement these methodologies at their organizations. During these two years, we will create a giant time-line with the history of communication, a multilanguage dictionary of proverbs and sayings, record tv commercials, write newspapers and blogs, participate in competitions and contests to decrypt secret codes (based on the World Wars) or to design future means of communication. We will also connect our students via videoconferences and penpals (by email) and the students participating in the exchanges (mobilities to other countries) will learn about local communication procedures and their influence in the culture, and after arrival, will present the rest of students, teachers and families, their discoveries using a different means of communication, from powerpoint presentations to TV news broadcasts. At the end of the project, participants will have developed basic skills, both teachers and students will have improved their communicative skills using the English Language and their digital competences thorugh the use of ICT; they will also have developed social and intepersonal skills and a sense of European belonging. Schools participating will be more open-minded to the European neighbours, and apart from the participants's impacts already mentioned, they will be updated organizations, where innovative teaching methodologies will be implemented and integrated in their curriculum.

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