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Comment l'HACCP est-il compris et mis en place dans différentes écoles hôtelières européennes ?
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project will involve : — Le lycée Guillaume Tirel, Paris, France, (Guillaume Tirel Hospitality and Catering College in Paris) — L’IES Héliopolis, Sevilla, Spain, — The Hospitality and Catering College in Maribor, Slovenia. Each school will gather four teachers to bring the project to success. With toxic intoxications making the news recently, with the development of tourism, the good management of hygiene regarding food and the setting up in common of a HACCP system as a tool in the management of food safety has become a priority. That system, based on scientific foundations, identifies in a systematic way all the specific hazards and the measures aimed at setting up sanitary safety regarding food. The HACCP is based on prevention and notably raises the sanitary quality of the productions. That system must therefore be brought to the whole student community working in kitchens and in the catering sector. That approach must be implemented during all the years of training of the students. The teachers in charge of lessons on food hygiene and HACCP need to reflect on their practices as teachers and ask themselves questions to consider new practices centered on the responsibility of the caterer and the safety of the consumer. The harmonization of the practices in the three schools on the long run should lead to a harmonization of the various knowledges, competences, and behaviours of the students in the three partner schools. Numerous exchanges by e-mails and visits to the partners schools should lead to the setting up of a common Plan de Maîtrise Sanitaire (Sanitary Control Set of Procedures). This Set of procedures will be implemented in the schools’ restaurants. These procedures will detail the measures taken in each school to guarantee hygiene and food safety regarding the productions notably about biological, physical and chemical hazards. That Set of Procedures will be completed with various ressources as well as procedures designed and improved by each partner school.
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