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COMET - COMpetence via European Training
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project background and project objectives:The educational goal of the Rudolf-Rempel-Berufskolleg in Bielefeld/Germany (RRB) and its partners includes the obtaining of economic competence, the acquisition of intercultural competence and international thinking (school programme). Promoting the necessary intercultural competences of teachers is part of the human resources programme and personnel development of the RRB. The role model function of teachers supports the willingness of learners to go abroad. The 10% strategy of the Federal Government (Bundestag DS 17/10986) or the 6% target of the EU (Council conclusions 2011/C 372/08) are also supported.The participation in international conferences will develop the knowledge, skills and competence of teachers, in that way enabling them to be an authentic representation of the internationalisation objectives of the college. Foreign language subject teaching (CLIL) paves the path for European and international mobility of students / graduates. The teachers and their language competence is expanded in the field "English for specific purposes", general and classroom language. Teachers and thus learners in international classes (schooling of migrants/refugees) can achieve early success in their subjects by using the classroom language English instead of German; this would not be possible if German was used at the beginning.The RRB is aiming for the certification as "Good healthy school" (school development award Northrhine-Westphalia for health promotion and prevention). The long-lasting experience of the Polish partner is used here as a model. The possiblilities of transfer of the concepts to the RRB are developed in the planned project (job shadowing). Healthy eating, sport and health promotion and the blending of classroom and leisure time are taken into account.Number and profile of the participants: Teachers who have experience in European projects and in the future will bear more responsibility are targeted for the International Conference. The participation of 3 participants at 2 conferences is planned.The target group for the CLIL courses are teachers, who participate in extending the CLIL concept in the area of the dual system of vocational training or to the Fachschule für Wirtschaft (Vocational College of Business Administration, continuing education after vocational training) and require advanced English language skills in the field of "English for Specific Purposes". Each year (flow 1, flow 2) 2 participants shall participate in a fortnights training.The target group for the "job shadowing" activity are teachers and social workers who assist the RRB in developing to a "good healthy school" (school development award). It is intended that each year 2 participants (flow 1, flow2) travel to the Polish partner for two weeks.All participants have expressed their interest in the school's internal tender (see below).Description of activities:Participation in European vocational education conferences enables the acquisition of competence concerning current developments in the European educational sector and increases the communication / intercultural competence in the foreign language. Visiting specialist training courses enables the expansion of specialized language skills as well as learning and testing current CLIL methods.Teachers get to know the complex organisation of intra - and extra-curricular activities related to healthy eating, sport and health promotion and the blending of classroom and leisure time at the Polish partner. They will develop options of transferring these concepts to the RRB.Procedures for the implementation of the project The participants are selected by the head of the school and the staff (teachers Council) with the help of an interview. The implementation of measures is affected in consultation with the partners and then with the help of reflective interviews, evaluation sheets and evaluation reports. The results are disseminated via Web pages, press, school public and networks (District Government EU Office).Expected results and effects, long-term benefitsThe responsibility for the European operations can be transferred to a larger group of people. The Conference participants spread their knowledge at teacher conferences, to school teachers and in networks. They can initiate and design new projects. CLIL can be extended to other areas. A qualified reaction to the increasing demand of the learners is made possible. The learners in their training become competitive for the European and international labour market. Strategically, an organizational development in the RRB in terms of international opening and modernisation is enabled. The development of the school is actively supported in the field of health promotion and prevention. A "good healthy school" takes the heterogeneity of students more into account and implements individual support also in combination with health and learning.
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1 Partners Participants