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Come together in Europe - Vermittlung von Praxiserfahrung, interkultureller und sprachlicher Kompetenzen als Teil der IT-Berufs-Ausbildung
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Germany, Finland and Spain are the countries taking part in the Leonardo mobility-project “Come together in Europe-imparting practical experience of intercultural and linguistic competences as part of the IT apprenticeship”: The Municipal Vocational School for Information Technology Munich (BSIT) in Germany, the KEUDA Vocational College Kerava in Finland, the IES Ángel Corella, Colmar Viejo and the IES Puig Castellas, Santa Coloma de Gramenet, both in Spain. The project is planned to last two years and consists of both student- and teacher-mobility. The cooperation and communication with the project-partners of all partner-schools will be carried out focussing on the project goals and the planned activities. This will happen via regular written contact and contact by phone while the project is running as well as after the project. In addition, the personal contact on location is considered very important. Students: From Germany there will be altogether 24 students of the second year of apprenticeship in the five IT professions taking part in the project. Both male and female students will be considered to the same degree. The projects for the apprentices are structured as follows: one week at school, then a three week internship. The projects will take place for four students from each school in spring 2015 and 2016. With two partner-schools the current exchange is planned to be prolonged, as the cooperation has worked very well and was very positive for the students. The third partner, IES Puig Castellas, is new. The project aims at an international education of the apprentices, which is an essential requirement for the survival on the modern job market and for getting along in a globalized world. Along with the vocational education, the development of the so called soft skills as basis for a European civic mindedness is part of this international education. Goals are: - preparation for future activities on the European job market - development and maintenance of linguistic and cultural competences - development and maintenance of the so called soft skills - establishing a European civic mindedness and a European identity The participants are chosen by the sending institution, which also takes care of the preparation in terms of content and organization. The selection of the internship companies, the accommodation (only for BSIT) and the support on location is taken care of by the host institution. The monitoring during the internship is done by both partners. The expected effects are: - increase of personal flexibility - development/strengthening of the social, intercultural and foreign-language competences (soft skills) - establishing a European consciousness and strengthening the personal development - establishing a network with similar institutions from other European countries - motivation for lifelong learning Especially for young people, the chances of intercultural learning and of a life without obstacles are increased by the possibilities of the European exchange. They will therefore make the experience that in a united Europe a separation of the nation-states is no longer up-to-date. Teachers: Altogether there will be eight teachers involved. A mutual exchange is planned to take place in spring 2015 and 2016 with the above mentioned schools. Goals are: - establishing a European consciousness/a European identity - learning of new teaching and learning methods and working techniques - establishing a network among European educational institutions of similar subject areas (IT) - stronger international orientation of the school - acquisition of additional intercultural and foreign-language competences - strengthening of the teacher’s professionalism - showing the special qualities and advantages of the dual system of vocational education The expected effects are: - increase of personal flexibility - increase of intercultural communication competence and acceptance - improvement of English skills - stronger personal involvement in actions for the improvement of teaching and learning methods as well as working techniques - stronger personal involvement in advancing an internationalization strategy With the newly gained impressions and their learning experience regarding the development of educational measures as well as actions for internationalization, the participating teachers will be able to give a new impetus for the school and the staff, as well as for the students and the companies. Additionally, the teachers set an example for their students and strengthen their function as role models by showing their readiness for lifelong learning and the realization thereof.

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