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«Combining Education with Educational Games: Assessments and Evaluation of its Educational Effectiveness»
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project shall be submitted by the 2nd Laboratory Centre of Patras , entitled «Combining Education with Educational Games: Assessments and Evaluation of its Educational Effectiveness», under the Erasmus Plus 2014, in Main Action " Learning Mobility of People " and Measure "Mobility Students and Staff". The project will be developed in three flows of eight teachers each (24 total) , with a duration of one week , from February 2015 to April 2015 , and total project duration 12 months from 01.07.2014 to 06.30.2015 . The main target group is secondary teachers with higher qualifications (tertiary’s degrees, postgraduate, doctoral, speak excellent English, certified ICT). Secondary aim is all the teachers in Vocational Education in our region. The submission of the proposal was based on the finding that the learning process is a very complex cognitive task that can be very painful for the students. Therefore, need inventiveness to deal with it. So, it is obvious that will be benefit for the school process the use of selection - appropriate Educational Games, which are interesting and motivating for students. This process will increase the attractiveness of the learning process and will help to increase the effectiveness of the students . To do this in a safe manner should be developed appropriate training for the personnel who will use them. Exactly that need we would like to carry out with this proposal so that, the group of 24 teachers to be trained in the methods of evaluation of educational software and be able to choose the most appropriate and transform the theory of laboratory courses from sterile image and knowledge in attractive interactive educational games . We predict to send certain sections of the curriculum in the partner who will undertake the training and will apply the principles for the assessment just on them. Finally we will propose the most appropriate educational games in these sections. To achieve this goal we have chosen one of the most distinguished and specialized institutions in Europe on this issue, the German agency Institut für Bildung und Medien der Gesellschaft für Pädagogik und Information e.V. briefly IB&M der GPI ( that has a long - proven experience in similar matters and combines technological and educational adequacy . Sublevel targets are, to increase participants' knowledge and skills so that, they will improve their personal development and expand their European culture. To enable further engagement with digital technology and the pedagogical use of it. In terms of organization, to meet the increased needs for retraining also other colleagues, with seminar courses that will be designed after the project ends. To achieve expend use of educational games in the learning process, activation of fellow county for training in new teaching methods and innovative approaches to digital technology. Increase staff training in specialized subjects and to increase the attractiveness of the provided education so that reduce the early dropout. For participants, the impact of the project determined that applying the principles of evaluation in educational software and moving to the use of Educational Games in their specialties, will increase the attractiveness of the course and efficiency of their students. They will be able to inform their respective colleagues, at the end of the project and will act as multipliers. Hopefully, educational games will become the future tools in the classroom and the laboratory. This project hoped to activate the new demands of the digital age with teaching and professional integrity. The sending organization will obtain qualified staff, will increase the attractiveness of the educational process and reduce the early dropout. Will develop partnerships with prospective partners, increase outreach and will be activated in future participation in such programs. It will be a «leader» in topic and regional level and will increase his reputation. Will focus on implementation of the ambitious 3-year project that it has planed and will be the background for participation in the KA2 program, which will be submitted by the Head office of Secondary Education in Achaia Prefecture with a similar subject.

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