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CODRIVE-Competency Ontology Driven Vocational Education

The project aims to improve the employment prospects of trainees in the ‘bakery’ and ‘technical installation’ sectors by developing ICT tools able to match an individuals skills and competencies with work and learning scenarios. Project partners will develop a common reference tool able to provide information on the skills required from potential employees in these sectors and will circulate this to relevant VET centres and employment services. Ultimately, the project hopes to establish a network for the exchange of sectoral skills data amongst relevant users. The project will adapt an existing infrastructure for use in this project, which will comprise a multilingual platform that allows potential users to network and to exchange sectoral skills information using a standardised format that makes data both readily transferable and understandable. The project will develop the project's training platform through a series of key stages. Initially, research and development will be undertaken on modelling knowledge and content in the field of skills development. Beyond this, three types of training will be developed for domain experts, end-users and authors/learning designers, with the emphasis placed upon 'user’ case studies such as 'the plumber' or 'the baker'. The end training products and related software will be piloted with potential users to assess the effectiveness of the platform as a tool for sectoral skills evaluation. Dissemination will target a wide potential user group across the partner countries with a particular focus upon the bakery sector. Awareness raising with regard to project activities and results will include seminars, conferences, the production of project leaflets and use of a dedicated project website.

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5 Partners Participants