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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

COCENTAINA A PAS 2015 is a project of European mobility within the Erasmus + program promoted by the CITY COUNCIL COCENTAINA, in which 6 students participated Employment Workshop II Cocentaina to Pas. Our proposal for students involved in the realization of two weeks (14 days plus 2 travel) transnational professional practices in the region of Veneto (Italy) by 6 students program employment workshops, namely Employment Workshop cocentaina a Pas II, the especialedades that the were given which have been, Dynamism, Services, Information and Citizen Services, Paver-Adoquinador and forestry jobs, using the methodology of the European program "Europe Chantier" for vocational training Level I and initial development of a European identity. The group of participants consisted of 6 students Employment Workshop, 3 students were selected specialty Dynamism, Services, Information and Citizen 1 students specialty Paver-Adoquinador and 2 students majoring in forestry work . The students were all adults, adults, between 20 and 49 years with labor insertion difficulties and at risk of social exclusion. Although they all had graduate in compulsory secondary education, it is the first time they received a formal Training Level I.  Students moved beneficiaries in group 6 mobilities simultaneously performing during the month of February in the Italian city of Vicenza.  Students beneficiaries have developed their work and training experiences together two host partners (turistando SRL for participants of the Workshop on Employment, specialty Dynamism, Services, Information and Citizen and Comitato Oasi WWF di Casale "Alberto Carta" for Employment Workshop participants, specialty Paver-Adoquinador and forestry work). In both cases the beneficiaries students have had to share their work and training with regular workers of both Italian companies. It was intended to address the following needs detected among students: - Lack of confidence when working outside their immediate work environment - Lack of knowledge about other labor markets and labor mobility opportunities at European level - Need to expand your work experience with different techniques work - Lack of knowledge about the concept of active European citizenship - Low level of knowledge of languages - Low level of intercultural competence. The results and impacts for this group were: - Allow people in difficulties of social and labor professionally trained in a European context intercultural integration, and expand their training techniques specific work. For this they performed labor practices related to their specialties. - Encourage the personal and social development of learners and their future mobility and European workers. During the stay they coexisted with native peers, meeting in person another European culture, in this case Italian. - Facilitate the socio-professional integration of these young people and adults through active and concrete pedagogy using as support work in the various works by acting on the cultural awakening and awareness to active citizenship. This goal thanks to a dive was reached in an enriching professional context, including specific training on job opportunities in Europe, and the concept of European citizenship. - To develop their intercultural competence, being surrounded by colleagues from other nationalities. - Improve your language skills and overcome their fear to express themselves in another language, as needed daily to communicate with people who did not speak Castilian. In short, improving the employability of participants and promoting the concept of European citizenship. Regarding the AJUNTAMENTE OF COCENTAINA, it was intended to strengthen the international dimension, creating links with other institutions of European professional and vocational training and encourage other vocational training institutions to broaden and enrich the range and content of the courses offered.
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2 Partners Participants