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CoBus - The Possibilities of Cooperation, Business and Trade across the Border between enterprises (PoCoBus - The Possibilities of Cooperation, Business and Trade across the Border between enterprises)
Start date: Feb 18, 2011, End date: Feb 17, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Objective of the projectThe objective of the project was to create and promote entrepreneurship on both sides of the border, and to advance their cooperation.Main activities• Founding of two new enterprises.• Renovating a part of Mobergs house in Kalevala.• Renovating a house in Paanajärvi for the use of the Museum of the village. • Renovations and small purchase in Vuokkiniemi, Kalevala and Haikola to the use of enterprises and travelers. • Tuition of entrepreneurs in terms of marketing, economic issues and the use of new technology. • Seminars and workshops in business plan and strategy.• Solving and diminishing logistical problems. Achievements: The number of small enterprises in the target area has increased - 9 totally new enterprises were founded. Also, more than 10 enterprises took part on developing activities and joined business planning. A joint business strategy for all enterprises in the target area was created. Mobergs house in Kalevala and Paanajärvi museum were partly renovated in the project. The buildings are very important for the cultural tourism in the area. The museum is going to be a center for cultural activities in the village, and gives for the tourist enterprises - including transport, accommodation and nutrition enterprises - a possibility to develop their services.PoCoBus project gave local enterprises as well as the inhabitants of the villages positive examples and ideas about future in this area.
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  • 45%   249 543,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Karelia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants