European Projects
Coaching Educativo: Prevención del Abandono Escola..
Coaching Educativo: Prevención del Abandono Escolar.
Start date: Sep 1, 2015,
End date: Aug 31, 2017
CEPAE will be developed in a context of difficultues among the different european educational systems which are trying to overcome the phenomenon that is affecting negatively the european early leavers at personal and professional background.
Looking at the partner countries, three of them have high Early Leaving Rate (ESL) rate (Italy, Turkey and Spain), whereas the partnership is also participated by Germany in which the educative system is working in a good way given that it has enviable indicators related to ESL rates.
Moreover, the fight against ESL phenomenon is one of the main objectives for the Erasmus + programme. The general improvement of education in all of the EU regions is an obligation for all state members, as mechanism to increase the levels of social conditions that provide to have a good trainind and educative background.
The general objective ot this project is contributing to reduce, as much as possible, the ESL rate, initially in the country partners of CEPAE and, lately, in all over European Regionas thanks to the disseminating activities foresee that will have a strong impact.
CEPAE contemplates the participation of two target groups in a double strategy:
- Botton-up strategy, involving some students through their participantion in an intervention model based on coaching that will produce the outpunt O2 - Coaching Guide. It will be a guide to be used by other institutions for adopting and implementing the model, as well as containing a set of best practices that target to improvie the availiability of tools and ideas that could be helful in the fight agains ESL at European Scope. Directly participaton of 60 students is foresse and also and indirect impact over 800 students through the educators who will participate in the project.
- Top-botton strategy, involving the educators who are working with potential early leavers, in the implementation of the coaching intervention model as much as in the final product product O3 - Cooperation on line platform, on which the educators will interact to improve the availability of tools related to the fight against ESL. This platform wil be working for five years more after then end of the project, as part of the agreements that the partnership will sign with FCVPE. We estimate that 40 educators will be directly involved in the implementation of the project and 120 will be indirectly involved.
Foresee activities in the project consider a double strategic methodology:
- Theoric methodology, focused on the theorical analysis of risk factors that explain the ESL phenomenon in the partner countries. analysis of available statistics and elaboration of the student profile with propension to become into a early lyver. The target is supporting the educatoris with tools to identify potential early leavers.
- Practical methodology, focused on the implementation of a coaching intervention modelthat will be implemented by the Italian, Turkish and Spanish partners with the aim of testing its efectivity and sharing it, through the disseminating tools proposed, with all European Educative institutions by using the product O2 - Coaching Guide which will containt the main guidelines to adopt the model.
The most important final results of the project are:
- Early leavers profile, to identify them and being able to anticipate to their ESL.
- Coaching Intervention Model which will be adaptable to any educative institution at European scope.
- Improvement of the quality of educators and trainers of schools in which there is a high ESL rate, thanks to the Cooperation on line Platform that will be enriched with the collaboration of these educators.
So we will produce tools that will be useful and trasnferable to the frame of the fight against ESL.
Finally, thanks to the local, regional, national and European partners, it is foresse that all products and final results will have a big impact at any of the already mentioned scopes, through the disseminating activities proposed.
It looks quite reasonable to think that the project will be useful in long-term because it aims to provide the educative system with additional and innovative tools that will improve the rates of ESL. If the intervention model foresee is a success, and we are sure about this, it will be adopted by the wider educative community.