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Co-operation between the regions of Trøndelag (Norway), Galicia (Spain) and Border, Midland and Western (Ireland), in the field of Marine Resources (AQUAREG)
Start date: May 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective of AquaReg is to provide opportunities and design strategies for the sustainable development of peripheral coastal communities by promoting interregional cooperation in aquaculture and fisheries. The RFO focuses on three clearly defined priority themes: AquaLink (Linking aquaculture/fisheries business and research), AquaEd (Education and training) and AquaPlan (Coastal zone planning and management). Achievements: The AquaReg (AR) organisation with 3 coordinators (CO) and financial mngr. were all selected and organised by August 2003. The same month, the AquaReg Steering Committee (ARSC) was constitutet and had its first meeting. The first meeting of the secretariat (ARS) also took place at the same event. A program launch and kick-off meeting in Trøndelag was done in the same week in Trondheim, Norway and some visits to relevant industry locations in Trøndelag took place. Partner agreement contract and subsidy contract were signed in October. Documents related to project assessments/selection, application pack and report package were worked out and agreed during 2003. The kick-off meeting for Galicia (Spain) was held in October including several visits to regional organisations and SME's. The kick-off meeting were attended by potential visitors from the other regions. The kick-off meeting for BMW (Ireland) was held in November including several visits to regional organisations and SME's. The kick-off meeting were attended by potential visitors from the other regions. First progress report were submitted to JTS on time November 1st 2003. Several workshops/meetings have been held in all three regions to mobilize for project proposal calls. First call for Sub-project proposals were launched on December 10th and closed on February 13th. 16 proposals were received on time and 6 were selected in a evaluation meeting in March. Second call for Sub-project proposals were launced on May 14th and closed on June 25th. After first round selection 3 sub-projects under the strategy AquaLink were selected, 1 under AquaEd and 2 under AquaPlan. About 50 % of the total funding was allocated. All funding under the strategy AquaPlan was allocated at first round.
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  • 48.6%   2 355 119,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC North
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants