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Co-modal Airport (ModAir)
Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The ModAir project aims at designing and setting up a mode-overlapping forum, where representatives from the air, rail and urban transport as well as any other relevant actor will contribute to the development and improvement of co-modality and intermodality for passengers in European airports.The interconnectivity at European airports is often still limited to urban transport, with in particular very few high-speed train stations. Some of the existing intermodal links do not fully meet the passengers’ expectations, leading to low usage.ModAir will build on the projects already funded by the European Commission to give a clear view of the current state of intermodality and co-modality in the Euro-pean airports, deliver a roadmap for future research and provide the European Un-ion with a structured group of experts able to help choose the best ways of imple-menting the connectivity of airports with other transport modes.Through cooperation between air and rail stakeholders, as well as intermodality and transport specialists, ModAir will be able to contribute to the preparation of future EU research and technological development policy.

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