Closing the gap in ICT
Start date: Sep 1, 2015,
End date: Aug 31, 2018
Closing the Gap in ICT
ICT applications are mighty tools to improve teaching and training. E-learning, online courses, online management and online
diagnostic contents are a great offer for teachers and learners. But: why don't we have a stronger use of ICT and e-learning to
improve our lessons and our teaching?
One Reason is the gap in ICT knowledge between the teachers and between students. Also between teachers within one
organization. The project works on strategies to close this gap and improve ICT teaching. If we close the gap in ICT learning
knowledge we have more teachers who can work on ICT contents. This team is also able to fill this mighty ICT surrounding with
content which is the main requirement for stronger ICT usage.
In our project 9 vocational and grammar schools work together to establish an ICT platform for e-learning online courses, online
management and online diagnostic contents. The schools have different levels in ICT practice and different focus of multimedia
usage. In the project we have an exchange of knowledge and we extend our experience together so that everybody can benefit
from each other.
Our activities/methods:
- design of questionnaires about the needs of the colleges and students to close the gap in ICT learning
- implementing a tutorial system
- creation of guidelines for ICT applications to train basic knowledge
- building teams for common portfolios
- presentation of the freeware we can use
- executing the concept of peer to peer education
- develop of e-learning units with the help of students (e.g. usage of i-pads)
Our common internet platform and website is based on moodle. Project management, documentation, results, necessary ICT tools
(which are not offered eTwinning) are available on this platform.
The platform eTwinning will be an important network between the project partners. To prepare the meetings and to realize projects
eTwinning will be used as our communication platform.
In the three project years we work step by step from time management of lessons and student projects going over to the creation of
e-learning lessons and projects until online diagnostic material for students and teachers.
Results: We have a project ICT platform and every school has its own platform with own administration. Each school has teams who
develop ICT contents. We practice peer to peer education. We have methods to find out the student knowledge and problems to
support the student individual and avoid the risk of early school leaving.
We publish our experience to help other schools or institution to build up or to improve similar ICT systems.
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