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"Clinical and public health research to improve maternal, newborn health and to control sexually transmitted infections" (MNSIRSES)
Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The overall aim of the proposed staff exchange programme is to establish a long lasting collaboration between Moroccan, South African and European research teams involved in clinical epidemiological and public health research. This effort should ultimately lead to improved mother and child health and better control of sexual transmitted diseases. The proposal is therefore structured in seven work packages:1. Management and coordination2. Maternal & newborn health research3. STI research4. HPV research5. Antibiotic resistance6. Public Health and Social Health Protection7. Clinical, epidemiological and public health researchThis project will brings partners together from Europe, Morocco and South Africa that have common research interests but that work in very different settings. Several partners have already been collaborating with each other but mainly on an ad hoc basis and not as a network:1. The International Health Research Centre of Barcelona (CRESIB), Spain2. The Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM), Antwerp, Belgium3. University Mohamed V Soussi – Rabat, Morocco4. University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah of Fez, Morocco5. University of Marrakech, Morocco6. The Ministry of Health of Morocco - National Institute of Health Administration (INAS)7. University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), South Africa8. University of Southampton, United Kingdom9. The Bordeaux School of Public Health (ISPED), University Bordeaux Segalen, FranceFor European researchers and professionals, the interaction with Moroccan and South African national health systems and research groups can contribute to a better understanding of common health challenges, including health related topics with human mobility and migrations between both continents and access to care for migrant groups in Europe. This collaboration involving several high profile groups (Europe, Morocco, South Africa) strengthens a global perspective on key maternal, newborn and reproductive health topics."

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